Well. .. ok.
It's just that love isn't everything.
Upstanding citizens do make marginal to bad choices in dealing with family, though. He did that, in my opinion.
That guy had so many other alternatives to using a weapon against the computer that I do question his seeming regrets about it.. he's already proven his showmanship by recording the event, and showmen have a way of thinking through their actions
along with their perceived notions of the viewers' reactions. This guy thought it through quite thoroughly, anticipating how to perform for the
audience (your) reactions.
If it were just about his kid's reactions, there would have been no video.
If it would have been a confiscation and delivery to a distant relative or secured locker somewhere, no video.
If it would have been a counselling environment with a true, proven expert on parent/child relationships, no video.
If it would have been bringing well liked peer of the daughter, who agreed with the dad, into the discussion, no video. If it would have been .. ad infinitum.

This guy's other efforts are well noted, but .. no video.
The video is about the #$%&! gun. The destruction. The macho (read, "bully") persona.