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Help phandroid answer now!!!


I just checked my phone, and I have the phandroid Android news app on my third screen. I never asked to install this, nor did I get a notification. I can't even remove it, it's not on the apps settings. This is nonsense, I tend to stay away from nefarious websites to avoid this type of BS! I am very cautious about what I do with my phone to avoid viruses and hacks. What is the meaning of this? Why is your app on my phone!? I also have installation of third party apps "off." So how the hell, did your app get on my phone?!


  • Screenshot_2016-01-10-10-58-30.png
    2.1 MB · Views: 588
I just checked my phone, and I have the phandroid Android news app on my third screen. I never asked to install this, nor did I get a notification. I can't even remove it, it's not on the apps settings. This is nonsense, I tend to stay away from nefarious websites to avoid this type of BS! I am very cautious about what I do with my phone to avoid viruses and hacks. What is the meaning of this? Why is your app on my phone!? I also have installation of third party apps "off." So how the hell, did your app get on my phone?!

1) This does not look like what is in the Google Play Store:

2) Since this is already on your phone,how about posting some screenshots of the app,so that a comparison can be made to others who have the real Phandroid app on their phone.
Well, I had to reset my phone. In fear, that this is not a safe app. I do not use porn sites, I do not go to credulous sites, I do not go to shady download free sites. I am very careful about the things I do with my phone. The only websites I been using was this one. I did click some links from the forums here. Maybe someone is doing some thing fishy on your site.
I am seriously pissed off!! This has been the only website I used in the past week. Now I have to change passwords for everything. I have to reset my phone, and probably lose a lot of files since, I do not want to connect to my pc.
Pretty sure the Phandroid News app will not or cannot be auto-installed from the site without your intervention (i.e., you clicking on something).

If you go to the phandroid.com site from a web browser, there's a magnifying glass icon and 3 vertical dots just to the right of it (i.e., all the way to the left of the "PHANDROID" banner). Note, I'm not speaking of the 3 vertical dots (ellipses) that are on the browser (like Chrome) address bar, but the one just below it.

If you click the 3 vertical dots (ellipses) the drop-down menu that you see has it's first entry as "Android App". Clicking on "Android App" will indeed take you to the Play Store link for the "Phandroid News for Android" app and you have the ability to "INSTALL" from there (of course, since you're now in the Play Store).

I would be very, very surprised to hear that our site is even attempting to install the app without your permission or consent--even so, it would take you clicking / selecting / accepting a pop-up that is asking if it's okay to install.
This has been literally, the only website I been using recently. Either your site has been hijacked or someone is posting nefarious links.
@Rynx, the setting for the third party apps install being turned OFF as you indicated in your first post reinforces that you likely installed it directly from the Play Store link as I described above (since the Play Store is NOT a 3rd party source).

If you long-press the app's icon you'd likely see either an uninstall option appear at the top of the screen or a small drop-down menu asking if you want to uninstall.

Failing that, you should also be able to remove the app in your Settings -> Applications path.
@Rynx, the setting for the third party apps install being turned OFF as you indicated in your first post reinforces that you likely installed it directly from the Play Store link as I described above (since the Play Store is NOT a 3rd party source).

If you long-press the app's icon you'd likely see either an uninstall option appear at the top of the screen or a small drop-down menu asking if you want to uninstall.

Failing that, you should also be able to remove the app in your Settings -> Applications path.
I only get a "remove" when I long press, and it is not in the apps settings.
I should also point out that you or someone would have to do this Android Forums has no way to add a browser shortcut to your home screen.
Glad we could help, but in the future how about finding out what the issue is before going on an angry tirade lol

Have a great day!
Pretty sure we can close this thread now.
I only get a "remove" when I long press, and it is not in the apps settings.

Ah, that's actually very good news and does reinforce that @MLSS's thought that it's just a browser link is the answer (i.e., there's no app to remove since none was installed).


I'm hoping and pretty sure that this is indeed just a case of a rogue click or two and not something nefarious going on (we're nice guys--we wouldn't do that to you :)).
Well seeing as I just downloaded Firefox, went to Android Forums and added a shortcut to my home screen and it looks just like that, I'm pretty darn sure.
But, I never gave such commands to do so. Just like my pc, I keep my files organized and desktop as icon free as possible. I would have clearly remembered clicking around to add a shortcut. I like this website, which is why I am refusing to flag it, but I had problems with viruses before and losing important files, that I am very careful with the things I do. I also. Do not let anyone touch my phone without my supervision.
There are apps in the Google Play Store that have permissions to do things just like what you've listed.
I'm betting that one of your apps have done this & I have one or two in mind,but,if you would,can you list/screenshot the apps that you youself have installed on your phone?
When you create a bookmark in firefox their is a small options tab next to the toast message that says "shortcut created" if your finger accidently hits it It is very easy to then hit "add shortcut to homescreen". So I would venture to guess that is what happened.

I'm glad we were able to clear it up for you, and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217]
When you create a bookmark in firefox their is a small options tab next to the toast message that says "shortcut created" if your finger accidently hits it It is very easy to then hit "add shortcut to homescreen". So I would venture to guess that is what happened.

I'm glad we were able to clear it up for you, and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217]

Yep! I just replicated this on my Nexus 5.

The icon for the shortcut that Chrome adds is just a white P on a blue background.

The icon for when the app is installed is a white P on a predominantly green background (with a little blue Android on the bottom right corner of the icon).

The icon for the shortcut that Firefox adds is identical to what @Rynx posted in the OP.

Great call, @MLSS :).
When you create a bookmark in firefox their is a small options tab next to the toast message that says "shortcut created" if your finger accidently hits it It is very easy to then hit "add shortcut to homescreen". So I would venture to guess that is what happened.

I'm glad we were able to clear it up for you, and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217] [emoji217]

It's still weird. I created a bookmark for this site (phandroid not the furoms) a long time ago. I then usually never touch anything involving bookmarks again. I also never had this shortcut installed prior to noticing it today. I also see no crest shortcut when I click on Firefox and phandroid..

I finally recreated what you mentioned. I unbookmarked phandroid, bookmarked it, and click options and click home screen shortcut.

However, this is only after you bookmark. I had phandroid bookmarked for a while now. So, how could I have created it, long after it has been bookmarke?
Last edited:
Here's what I referenced in my last post above:


The first icon (far left) is a Chrome shortcut.

The second (middle) icon is the actual app installation icon.

The third (far right) icon is the Firefox shortcut.

edit: by the way, the truncated app text/description is because I'm running Nova Launcher with more rows and columns than the normal default (i.e., there's not enough room for the full description with the settings I'm using)
Here's what I referenced in my last post above:

View attachment 99459

The first icon (far left) is a Chrome shortcut.

The second (middle) icon is the actual app installation icon.

The third (far right) icon is the Firefox shortcut.

I see.

I finally recreated what you mentioned. I unbookmarked phandroid, bookmarked it, and click options and click home screen shortcut.

However, this is only after you bookmark. I had phandroid bookmarked for a while now. So, how could I have created it, long after it has been bookmarked? I see no options in plain view, that sends to the home screen after you bookmarked, and the prompt goes away.
I don't have anymore answers for you other than at some point you or someone else had a slip of the thumb.

I promise you that phandroid isn't adding shortcuts or doing anything else it shouldn't be doing without permission.
Anyways, thank you guys. I hope you are correct. I cannot reset my phone as I need it for work in a few hours. Maybe, I can reset it after work. My fear was, keeping it on my phone (while I worked) as it does wicked things.
I see.

I finally recreated what you mentioned. I unbookmarked phandroid, bookmarked it, and click options and click home screen shortcut.

However, this is only after you bookmark. I had phandroid bookmarked for a while now. So, how could I have created it, long after it has been bookmarked? I see no options in plain view, that sends to the home screen after you bookmarked, and the prompt goes away.

Yeah, I agree with you...you can only see the OPTIONS to add to the home screen until after you've selected the favorite/star in the Firefox menu. First you see this when you select the star:


and then you see this:
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