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phone being replaced by at&t

I'm a little confused. If it was overheating and it's not your fault, then why wouldn't you use Samsung's manufacturer warranty? AT&T may send you a refurb, but I am pretty sure the manufacturer would either repair your same device, or send you a brand new one.

I took it to an at&t store and they replaced it. I'm sure it will be new. Why would I go through samsung? I've dealt with them before with getting TVs fixed or replaced and they're a pain. This was very simple.

Also, they were going to give me a new one but had none in stock. They said I'll get a new phone cuz there aren't any refurbs available yet.
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From Samsung chat support...

Agent: Please contact the Carrier and try to replace the phone from their end replacement and check from their end if you have any Insurance options for the device with them. Please get back to us if they are unable to help you in this regard. We will file a service request to service the device. We are available 24/7 to assist you.
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So confused with this. Why on earth would you have to go through Samsung at all? If you bought the phone from at&t they handle it for you from A-Z. Even if your over 30 days CS will connect you to Warrenty and get a phone sent out, and again...Its a like new device.

That's what I did but someone else posted otherwise. It's actually out for delivery right now. Overnight delivery.

My main reason for this post was to just let people know what to do if they had the same over heating issue as I. It kind of spiraled from there.
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I hope your issue was a defective unit. However a phone will get hot "while idle", when trying to maintain signal in a weak signal area.

FWIW, my at&t branded Note gets warm, despite showing 3-4 "bars" of LTE, when the signal is only at -93dBm. This in an area (Washington DC) where I have a speedtest.net result of 52Mbps, but cannot connect to the internet when the signal shows "3 bars" and -104dBm. HSPA performance seems to be better, but from what I'm reading, the LTE versioned S3 has similar radio performance to that of the Note. If you were experiencing a similar situation as me, you may run into the same problem. Good luck though.
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Now I have a new issue. Copying in any text in an app crashes the app I'm in with the new phone. Only way to fix is to restore. Problem is none of my apps and automatically installing to my device. Anyone know why this is happening? Installing each app individually is a pain in the you know what. Is there a setting that I am missing? Thanks for the advice in advance.
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Im not sure why some of you think ATT will never replace your phone with a new one. For the most part, if its been over 30 days, and the phone has been out long enough for them to have collected and built enough refurbs, yes they will just give you a refurb.
But if its within 30 days, or if the item is still fairly new, they will send you a new one. They will tell you to make sure and return the accessories along wth the phone in the box they provide. Since they're sending you a new phone that includes all new accessories. I've done this twice. Once because i was within 30 days, and the other time because they had no refurbs.
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