This afternoon, I no more than got through mowing my river property, when I received a call from a police officer. He was responding to my 911 hang up call. The call didn't show up in my call log but I must have pocket dialed the number while bouncing behind the mower. I told him that but he insisted on following up on my call and wanted my address. Uhhhh.. cabin in the woods by the river is the address I told him how to get to the cabin and he was there within five minutes. Nice guy and was impressed with the cabin and property. Not that it's upscale.. but it feels like many miles from civilization.
I've made a number of pocket calls through the years but that was my first time calling 911. I can't be the only person to have accidently called someone. Do you have a pocket call to share?
I've made a number of pocket calls through the years but that was my first time calling 911. I can't be the only person to have accidently called someone. Do you have a pocket call to share?