You and
@funkylogik will be the first, after myself and my son, who is the programmer involved (or almost involved, because the kid got his hands full working like a dog and finishing his doctoring at the same time). Must say the idea behind the launcher is disarmingly simple and completely sound. I can antecipate it's gonna be a two click theming stuff but, unlike Themer or Buzz, wich are good to the eyes but kill the resources, it will not rely on tons of widgets and, before its release, the coding will be cleaned and revised to exaustion. I can't admit a simple launcher to use more than (and at most) 60 MB, or to be in the top ten battery drainers list. Themer, Buzz, Vire, Go, all of them use 180-200, and swallow the battery. Go isn't even eye catching.
I face other obstacles, too. Here in the S of third world garbage everything is hard to get and expensive. President and her mob ruined the finances, you know? Only our women are still in good shape but, for an old man like me, it means nothing.

Have a good weekend! Peace.
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