I don't have any pics, but have been custom building computers for a few years now, my set up right now is:
Case: Black NZXT Phantom (Full Tower)
CPU: i5 2500K @ 4.0 GHz (O.C. stock voltage)
RAM: 4 x 2GB of 1333 Ballistix
HardDrives: 2 x 250GB Seagate & 2 x 500GB Seagate (standard speeds)
GPU: 2 x AMD Radeon 5770's @ 900 MHz (O.C.) (CrossFire)
PS: 1000W Rosewill Bronze Certified
Monitor: 27" Samsung LED
Lots and lots of fans, the airflow in this case is amazing, all the fans are stock NZXT fans, they make pretty decent fans, except the side fan, with the CM Hyper212 the side fan wouldn't fit so i had to do some modding to a 200MM Rosewill fan to get it to fit there.
Looking to upgrade GPU's soon, but just waiting it out, maybe ill put some pics of my battlestation up later.
Might i add, once you go 27" monitor, you never go back