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Post your Homescreens

Thanks for the help! I wanted to create something that was going to work fluidly with what I have going on (thanks to the help of MANY people on here :D). I'll probably download droidicon and see what I can do.


I like your wallpaper. Got a link?
I don't know about you guys, but I have a feelin' Steven58 is up all night making the perfect home screen. :P

I'm waiting for him to post it so I can base mine off of his. :)
Hello.. Im Derek and first off I am new here, I may have had an account in the past but I have just started a new one all over.

Here is my shots from tonight.. though I am going to be putting on Nova Launcher here in the next few days and play with that.


Stock Launcher
Beautiful Clock/weather (airportone clock, standard weather)
Silent Toggle Widget
Circle Battery Widget
Beautiful live wallpaper to match area weather


Nothing special here, stock bookmark widget resized.


FourSquare Widget
stock news widget
Free Power widget


Nothing crazy here either..

Facebook widget
5 direct message widgets
still working on this screen


stock calendar widget which I will probably be upgrading to Pure

Thats as it sits this moment, but it hasnt stayed the same for more than a couple hours at a time. lol

i keep all my stuff off to the sides, including a battery indicator that is displayed in pieces of heart

anyone know if there's a way to change the app selector icon (the circle with 6 squares in it)? desktop visualizer doesn't have an option for that one, and you can't move it either

Launcher Pro let's you change it.
Dang dude that was pretty rude.. If that's a shot of yours you have no room to talk :p

Mine is the stock theme which is alright but honestly the design of most of these is pretty gaudy.

I'm not knocking the set-ups/icon arrangement, but the blue orbs, drop shadows, random gloss? I think it's a little overdone. To each their own though, just not for me.
I'm very minimalistic, as you can see.

I might try NOVA launcher to customize my app buttons to a Tron theme (they're on another homescreen right now).


I hope that devs will start working on changing the colors of the software buttons.

Tron blue FTW!

Haha! Ya know, back in the mega thread, when we both expressed our love of minimalism... well, you win haha. I'm still knee deep in coddling my phone at this point and haven't yet sorted out how best I'm setting up my homescreen. I have no plans to use a different launcher anytime soon. I want to really give base ICS a thorough chance to impress me. Loving all this screen sharing guys!
I seem to change my phone's appearance more often than I do my clothing, lol. Right now I'm seeing if I dig a sort of green, simple homescreen that's built more for functionality than design. I like a phone to look very neat and tidy, but I also have some off the wall designs. But this is my homescreen at the moment! Let me know what you think!

Launcher: Nova Launcher (stock w/options)
Clock: DigiClock Widget
Icons: Non-stock icons are from:
- App Drawer Icon Pack
- Circle Launcher Icon Pack 1
- M22-3D Icons Pack
- Nexus S Gingerbread Icon Pack

Here are all my screens, from left to right.


I'll try to list every widget/app, if I miss any let me know...

Far Left:
Ubermusic 4x2 widget with clear widget skin
Pandora widget
Shortcuts to - Ubermusic, Netflix, MX video player, yutube

What icon pack are you using for the shurtcuts? I love it!

posted several times in this thread already, but since you DEMAND it, i'll post it again.

SiMi Clock

But it wasn't in the post where the image and homescreen was.

Which is why everyone kept asking ... and it's a great idea ... to explain what we're all looking at on the pics ( even if it's redundant and/or trivial ).


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