I'm reluctant to go into too many details, but we have some major, exciting changes coming in the not so distant future. Yes, there will be a learning curve, but in the end what’s on the horizon is a major improvement and we think much better than what all of our competitors have to offer. We are hoping everyone loves it 
Admittedly, we have a few hurdles to sort before we go live. More details to come, so stay tuned!
I know some of you may be opposed to this initial announcement, but please rest assured that there is a larger vision here: please let things play out in their entirety before causing a big stink. There will be a time and place for feedback, but hopefully in the end you'll love how the pieces of the puzzle come together (we believe you will).
Monday, Dec 19, we are going to abolish ALL device Root subforums. Threads in these forums will be prefix'd with "Root" and moved to the parent device forum.
This, as mentioned, is part of our preparation for things to come. We'll be sure to pass along any necessary upcoming changes as they’re ready.
Thanks for your help and attention. We hope you're looking forward to a brand new look and feel as much as us!

Admittedly, we have a few hurdles to sort before we go live. More details to come, so stay tuned!
I know some of you may be opposed to this initial announcement, but please rest assured that there is a larger vision here: please let things play out in their entirety before causing a big stink. There will be a time and place for feedback, but hopefully in the end you'll love how the pieces of the puzzle come together (we believe you will).
Monday, Dec 19, we are going to abolish ALL device Root subforums. Threads in these forums will be prefix'd with "Root" and moved to the parent device forum.
This, as mentioned, is part of our preparation for things to come. We'll be sure to pass along any necessary upcoming changes as they’re ready.
Thanks for your help and attention. We hope you're looking forward to a brand new look and feel as much as us!