Android Expert
I think Cruz is a fake that patronizes the masses. Watch how he looks for a reaction to his words and then increases or changes his rhetoric to intensify the reaction. Trump don't care what ppl think and the like-minded will follow.
I agree with AZ.. Our candidate options ARE horrid but Trump is our best bet, giving what options we have. If he's nominated then I'll certainly be voting for him. Probably go register today
Trump is the one who is fake. He has flip flopped on ALMOST EVERY MAJOR ISSUE. He is pandering to get votes. He speaks like a third-world politician(believe me, I've experienced it).
He was for single payer health care.
He was for an assault weapons ban.
He criticized Mitt Romney for being against illegal immigration.
He has supported high taxes.
And now that he's using the GOP as his path to the White House, he realizes he can't say those things and get elected, so now he's saying what people want to hear. That is the EXACT DESCRIPTION of a politician. He's admitted to buying politicans to get his way. He's bankrupted 4 companies. That's 4 major failures that ended up cost somebody lots of money. He's the most called out by fact checkers for his dishonesty. He is an absolute embarrassment to this party.
The media is spinning coverage to help spur his popularity. They WANT him in the general, because Hillary will crush him.
Meanwhile, Ted Cruz, who has been consistent on the issues since long before he became Senator...He's the one you guys call fake?