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Problem with SD card...


Mar 6, 2011
I just purchased a new SD card and as of now the only way I can transfer files between my computer and the card is to insert the card into an adapter and pull it up in my computer to have it recognized.

Before I was able to just plug my phone into the USB port, select turn on USB storage, and a window would pop up to where I could select the card folder and transfer files to there.

I don't believe there's anything wrong with the card itself. I think it's just having issues being recognized through Windows. Does anyone have suggestions or a solution for this?

Insert card into PC. Make a new folder and transfer all the data from the uSD card into it. Exit out of the window. Go to start/computer/right click on the large sd card icon. Select format option when the window appears. A new window will appear. Select FAT in the file system box. Select start. This can take a while so fix yourself something to eat,and relax.
When done put all the files back on the uSD card.
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Thanks for the replies. Actually, I was able to fix this by going to the LG site and downloading the driver update tool. Everything now works as it did with the stock card.

Andy do I still need to format the card, though? Like I said, everything looks and is operating proper.

Too funny. Every other time I see a post like this I always encourage the download of the drivers.... never seems to work for those people. The one time I don't say to download the drivers, the OP gets them and it works lol. :p

Ah well, I was on the right track about the drivers at least. Glad you got it worked out!! ;)
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Thanks for the replies. Actually, I was able to fix this by going to the LG site and downloading the driver update tool. Everything now works as it did with the stock card.

Andy do I still need to format the card, though? Like I said, everything looks and is operating proper.
No,you don't need to format if everything is functioning properly. I assumed you had the newest drivers already installed when I read your first post, looked like you would have. That's what I get for assuming. I guess I'm going to have to bone up on my reading and comprehension skills.
Glade you figured it out. It often happens that way for determined,patient individuals with a little logic and reasoning skills.
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