Power : governments provided the capital to build large dams in earlier times, and later nuclear plants
Nowadays they provide financing for Fusion and renewables
Education : governments provided the same education for all regardless of who you were
Today they still provide almost free education
Transportation : governments control the networks as its impractical for private interests to do so in many casess
They provide financing for large projects, eg metros
Healthcare : the government socialising healthcare or at least making a single universal system drive costs down while providing care for all
Governments provide funding for lots of research, eg cancer research
A single universal system does not drive down cost it only rations thus creating an illusion of cutting costs. Everything you mentioned is done or can be done by the private sector. The only reason we think only govt can do it is because we have been conditioned to think that way.
I live in Ireland dude
Your inner city schools are likely due to the huhe social problems the US suffers from
You would prefer everyone to pay for education individually?
Inner city schools have cultural issues, welfare dependent families who think they are stuck in poverty because of race and pass along that apathy to their children.
People need choices in their childrens education. A govt monopoly on education isn't a good thing.
It is not a matter of helping or increasing quality. It is a matter of removing the ability for those systems to be exploited for profit. Socializing a system will have it draw backs, but nothing like leaving it open for exploitation for personal gain. I would love for you to explain how handing them to private industry would nothing but inequity. How you are going to provide a service for profit, that had zero margin for profit.
You honestly will tell me that those system are not ripe for abuse and corruption driven for pure profit?
Education and transportation can not be given to private industry because of access issues. Education must be provided to all sectors of the population regardless of ability to pay. If you add a profit driven system, they people that would pay more would get a vastly superior eduction to those that do not. If there is no abiblity for the people to pay for the cost and profit, there is no reason to deliver eduction. If forced to deliver eduction it would be given at bare minimum. If you add profit to eduction, you would remove the bottom 50% of the population out of the economy and create a second class citizens.
Toll roads and privation of transportation system has a long history of being nothing but one long line of abuse. Simple history has taught us that.
Power is required to have a open and free market. Power must be delivered equally and at a consistent price. It is impossible for any company to do that, in a pure free market system. Back room deals, would create a list of friends and enemies list. Charging less for friends and more for enemies.
Healthcare is required for a productive economy. The current healthcare system in which the policy is "Dont get sick" creates a social imbalance in which markets are exploited for pure profit. By removing profit out the system, you create a equal access system.
I have to respectfully disagree with almost everything you've said. What you wrote sounds good but is a total fallacy. You seem to believe that teh Govt is some magical, moral entity that ALWAYS does the best for its people. You seem to not be aware, or are ignoring the mismanagement by them.
The only thing I see you advocating for is a powerful centralized government that provides services to a helpless populous that can't make any important decision for themselves. People need to be *gasp* RESPONSIBLE for their own healthcare and their own lives. I take it you are unaware of the state of Private schools in this country and how they continually outperform public schools in every way. Healthcare is expensive in this country because no one takes responsibility for their own health. They would rather go buy a big screen TV, a second car, that new smartphone etc than pay a couple hundred bucks a month in order to cover a health issue. Healthcare itself is expensive because we rely solely on insurance. When a hospital can charge 50,000 dollars for a 1 hour knee surgery and have the insurance company pay it automatically is it any wonder why healthcare is so damn expensive?
So let me see if I understand this right, people are unable to be responsible and buy insurance and pass along costs to the taxpayer and the same time our insurance system unnecessarily raises costs for those who don't have insurance and pay cash so I HAVE to have my taxes raised and have the government take charge of my healthcare and decide what I can have done or not? This is asinine.
The bigger question is how would giving it to private companies make it better?
I would recommend studying up on Private education in this country and looking into our up and coming medicare and SS liabilities, about 100 trillion and that doesn't include healthcare.
We can't pay for everyone, you can't just say gov't can pay for it because it just doesn't work that way. It will come back and bite us in the ass.
The best way to explain how govt cannot be in charge of important things like healthcare and education is because they are the ones who make the rules. Whoever is in power can do as they see fit and enrich whomever they want. It's worse than a private company exploiting a few workers because with the Gov't its not like you can go to some board and complain and get someone fired. These people are elected and stay in office. If the majority likes getting these expensive projects in their towns or welfare etc how do you get them out of office? See where I'm going with this? In trying to avoid this boogyman of the private industry you create something more dangerous in an out of control government that seeks to only help itself.
I'm a economics major at ASU, I study this stuff every day and enjoy it a lot. I wish more people would get a basic understanding of economics as it would solve a lot of problems in our society.