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Root Proposal/Theory for External SD storage solution on F6

I always thought I had good eyes, but that number is SMALL! I believe I have a 1 inside what looks like an upside-down croquet wicket. How funny. When I bought it, I figured, "It's only for storage."

For sure, I'll test that out. What should the partition order be?
1. FAT32
2. Ext4
3. Swap?
Yup .
Aww... It doesn't want to work anymore. So today , I got a class 10 micro sd card *YAY* I used the uninstall.zip and now I put in my new sd card and ran copy.zip, now I'm getting a "Failed." I'm like :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid::maddroid:. Any help for the Wicked?
I used the uninstall.zip and now I put in my new sd card and ran copy.zip, now I'm getting a "Failed."
I had something similar happen and couldn't understand why it wouldn't work. Just "Fail" every time. Then I checked the SD card with mini tool partition wizard and it said the ext4 partition had become an ext3 partition. No idea why that would happen. Anyway, I reformatted that partition back to ext4 and everything worked fine again.
I had something similar happen and couldn't understand why it wouldn't work. Just "Fail" every time. Then I checked the SD card with mini tool partition wizard and it said the ext4 partition had become an ext3 partition. No idea why that would happen. Anyway, I reformatted that partition back to ext4 and everything worked fine again.
I reformatted my sd card for the 3rd time , might have killed some memory banks in the proccess xD , but I reinstalled the OS too . Kinda pissing me off now

As you can see I have the 2 partitions
I used the uninstall.zip and now I put in my new sd card and ran copy.zip, now I'm getting a "Failed."
First, make sure the card is not a counterfeit. If it's from a well-known manufacturer, use SD Insight to see if it recognizes the card. On a Windows PC, there are a few tools:

Assuming the card itself is alright, what messages appeared when you used -copy.zip? Normally you should see (with latest version):
===< Mounting external partition >===
===< Deleting files >===
===< Copying files >===
===< Done >===
I assume you're getting:
===< Mounting external partition >===
===< Deleting files >===
===< Copying files >===
===< Copying failed >===
If so, either reading files from internal storage or writing to the SD card failed. The reading part can be tested by making a backup in recovery. The writing part... well... we're assuming the card itself is good. The card can be tested on a PC since you have one.

Looking at your MiniTool image, I see 1.71GB of your ext4 volume is used. Are you using an F6? F6's internal /data volume is only 1.27GB, so if files are copied from the internal partition, the size of the used space doesn't seem right.
I'll Reformat it for the 200 times . It's a kingston sdcard class 10 U1 and it came from them because it was bought directly from their amazon shop. Give me a few secs I'll share info . Btw isn't it like 12 pm where you are?

<Updating partition details...>
<Installing '/sdcard/DataOnSD-copy.zip'...>
<Checking for MD5 file...>
<Skipping MD5 check:no MD5 file found.>
<Coping data for DataOnSd ...>
<Updating partition details...>
"Resizing failed"? "Formatting failed"? "Partitioning failed"? "Creating partition failed"?
Well, try testing the card's integrity using one of the tools I mentioned earlier. I'll check back tomorrow/later today. Good luck.
==< Invalid zip name >== Is the error then it just says Updating partition details...

Edit: I just wanted to thank you for helping me out. You are a great and an outstanding individual in this world. Great to know that you're not a cable company support guy just looking up things and in moments, give up. Thanks dude, I owe you a shot of vodka.
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==< Invalid zip name >== Is the error then it just says Updating partition details...
You need to rename the file first before installing. Read the instructions in the post with the zip file.
I hope you're able to resolve the issues before I log back on. Like you said, it's late. Good luck.
Edit: I just wanted to thank you for helping me out. You are a great and an outstanding individual in this world. Great to know that you're not a cable company support guy just looking up things and in moments, give up. Thanks dude, I owe you a shot of vodka.
You're welcome. If I have time, I try my best to help those who encounter difficulties installing or using my hack. It's not always easy doing it in forum posts.

Oh okay ... So the idiotic person I am apperantly got the copy zip from post #319 which obv. doesn't work . The one in thread http://androidforums.com/threads/sd-hack-for-storage-expansion.908126/ Works ... Thank God for that. I was about to freak out
Glad you got it resolved. I hope your new card works well for you. The zip in #319 in this thread should have worked though. I haven't changed it and it has worked for many in the past (and you previously?). Maybe the copy you tried to install was corrupt? Well, I'm not going to worry about it now. Anyone who needs the files should get them from my own thread anyway: SD hack for storage expansion.
I've been using this hack on some f6's we have in the family with very good success and I thank you for your great work. Very generous use of your free time.

One question though. One of the phones has a slower card or something and sometimes the screen rotation doesn't work and needs to be rebooted. Last week I tried to install the sensor fix zip but only got "failed" each time. Downloaded more than once with same result each time.

Any idea what I might have done wrong?
I've been using this hack on some f6's we have in the family with very good success and I thank you for your great work. Very generous use of your free time.

One question though. One of the phones has a slower card or something and sometimes the screen rotation doesn't work and needs to be rebooted. Last week I tried to install the sensor fix zip but only got "failed" each time. Downloaded more than once with same result each time.

Any idea what I might have done wrong?
You're welcome.

"Mounting failed", "Extraction failed", or some other failure? If it's a problem with the script, I'll check it out when I find some free time later.
Is it just me or does the camera not wanting to work nor Snapchat stories want to load . Also, things that need to install on emulated doesn't work .. So Xposed update doesn't work... Why do I need Xposed? It's for pandora.. I'm going to format my sd card and install everything again.
Last week I tried to install the sensor fix zip but only got "failed" each time.
"Mounting failed", "Extraction failed", or some other failure? If it's a problem with the script, I'll check it out when I find some free time later.
Just checked the zip file. Tried downloading. The md5 matches with the one I have:
85d0979f1a50ab18f220f76d2d7e45db DataOnSD-sensorfix.zip

Tried flashing. Got the following as expected:
===< DataOnSD Sensor Fix Installer >===
===< by WarrantyVoider @ Android Forums >===
===< Extracting script >===
===< Mounting /system >===
===< Installing script >===
===< Done >===

So things look okay on this end.
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