So I just got back from my one hour with the Galaxy Nexus. Here are my impressions:
Loaded this picture on both phones:
If I get reeeal close, I can see the screen door effect on the Nexus pentile display. With the display cranked up to full brightness, though, the pixels bleed into one another enough
that it goes away. The colors are definitely more vibrant on the Nexus. I've grown used to the Rezound, though, so it actually looks more natural and the Nexus looks a bit oversaturated. I like both, though. The screen wouldn't be a decision maker either way, for me.
Unless the Pentile offered significant better battery life. That'd be impressive. Time will tell on that.
Result: Tie
The soft buttons are nice. Without them, the screen is exactly the same height as the Rezound. When they go off, there's a little more display! The overall size is slightly taller/wider, but it is SO nice how thin it is!!! That is what stood out more than anything. It felt so good in hand. The Rezound feels like a brick in comparison. The Razr is too thin. The Nexus is just right.
Result: Nexus Wins
The instant shutter is ridiculous. They weren't lying about that! Wondering how much of that is ICS. Same with autofocus on video. The hardware on the Rezound can do it, but once you're recording, the Rezound doesn't autofocus. Wondering if that'll change with ICS.
The colors on the Nexus are saturated enough, but the pictures it takes are even more saturated. The Rezound camera is definitely better.
Result: Rezound Wins
Installed the speedtest app and got 32mbps down and 19mbps up! Got nervous for a second since that's the fastest LTE test I've ever run. The radio on the Nexus is supposed to be nice. Fired up my phone and matched the speed test. Smart move on Verizon to give such a strong signal at their store!
Result: Tie
The things that cause slight hesitation (wouldn't call it lag) on the Rezound do the same on the Nexus. Window animations, press home, switch to another app, and it's going to stutter, no matter how powerful the phone is.
The Browser is SO nice, though. SO smooth.
While a page is loading, it still scrolls smoothly. This is what Gina Trapani was talking about in that article on Android lag. Dedicated hardware acceleration rocks! ICS will bring that to the Rezound, though, so we'll say:
Result: Google ICS wins
Can't go without mentioning the lack of an SDcard. And a mass file storage system. I think ICS will eventually update and allow read/write to external storage but for now,
Result: Rezound wins
So I'm torn. Everything is really a wash, for me, except the feel. The proportions on the Nexus are just so nice. And that's a big deal, to me.
The store manager said there was a line of people out the door this
morning, haha!
I'm sure everyone who got them now are going to love them, and it will be a week before someone will be honest enough to be critical. I'm most curious about battery life. I'm averaging 8-10 hours, and if the Nexus is significantly better, that's a huge win.