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Rand Paul...

Nothing anyone in the current adminstration has done compares with the horrors perpetrated on this country by Dick Cheney. No one in the Obama Administration has stated a war under false pretenses.

our OUTED CIA agents to the enemy.
Cheney and Scooter Libby did that which Scooter was found guilty of but BUSH let him off. I thought such people were called traitors and such acts are TREASONOUS therefore they get JAILED for LIFE or KILLED.
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False Pretenses? You mean the fact that EVERYONE thought that Saddam had WMD? Those "false pretenses"? Which, last time I checked, didn't qualify as a felony? Try again...

Do you mean like NOW is the US of A where the middle class have LESS and the Rich have even more.
95% of your Nations wealth is owned by 2% of the people and shrinking based on the FACTS.

Wow. And yet, even the lower classes are out buying plasma TVs and computers (and Androids) at a growing rate.

Also: how many of that "top 2%" work in Washington DC, and get voted on every 2 or 6 years?

I WOULD like to see where you get that "95% of the wealth/2% of the population" figure...
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You also have "vague memories" of what the Bush Admin did to get us into a trumped up war against Iraq.

and don't forget about the TRILLIONS in debt borrowed from China to pay for it.

It's interesting how people rationalize things. Who cares what Valeri Plam did or did not do (her husband disagreed with Bush)...SHE WAS OUTED by US CITIZENS who are also Politicians at the senior level.

oh and using PAT TILLMAN as a pawn is another gem.
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Wow... you're right. We should NEVER have gone to war in Iraq. Instead, we should have allowed Saddam to continue thumbing his nose at UN resolutions, using WMDs against his citizens, and generally causing trouble...


1. No WMD's
2. That is for the UN to deal with
3. You don't like other people tell you how to run your country yet there you are INVADING theirs
4. You went their to get THEIR OIL
5. If you really believe what you wrote why is there no US TROOPS tying to HELP the people of Zimbabwe. Dictator there
6. Why aren't you helping the people in Darfur? Dictator there
7. Why didn't you send your MILITARY to STOP the SLAUGHTER in the CONGO RIGHT NOW?

waiting for your response, this should be good.
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Wow... you're right. We should NEVER have gone to war in Iraq. Instead, we should have allowed Saddam to continue thumbing his nose at UN resolutions, using WMDs against his citizens, and generally causing trouble...

The point is that the Bush Admin built up a case for war based on deliberate misinformation, lies, b.s., revenge (Saddam allegedly was after Dubya's dad), and other nonsense, and manipulated intel and the public here and abroad to "justify" its trumped up war.

We did not start a war with Saddam because of his thumbing his nose, his use of chemical warfare against his own citizens and his mischief-making. The war was political, and initiated by the Bush Admin under the direction of Cheney.
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Zimbabwe has no oil
Congo is too big


Sorry Strings, but your arguments regarding to living standards dont hold up (look into HDI)

(Your Africa point makes perfect sense though)

The developed world KEEPS the developing world poor

Before this was noticed in the 70's & 80's it was even worse (most of the third world stagnated between 50's - 70's)

Look into banana (my small country is very bad here) and coffee global trading
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You REALLY want to bring Africa into it?

Short of conquering most of the continent (south of the Sahara) and making it a colony, there is NOTHING we can do there. Africa has to learn to rule their own nations before any progress can be made there (that's the opinion of many folks I've talked to FROM Africa, BTW)...

1. No WMD's

And yet, most of the world's intelligence agencies said he had them. And he was using such against the Kurds (chem & bio are WMDs. You DID know that, right?)

2. That is for the UN to deal with

And yet, when we DON'T deal with an issue, we're bitched at for not doing so...

3. You don't like other people tell you how to run your country yet there you are INVADING theirs

Welcome to the history of mankind

4. You went their to get THEIR OIL

Funny... that hasn't shown at the gas pumps. Oh, right... it's all the evil oil companies...

5. If you really believe what you wrote why is there no US TROOPS tying to HELP the people of Zimbabwe. Dictator there
6. Why aren't you helping the people in Darfur? Dictator there
7. Why didn't you send your MILITARY to STOP the SLAUGHTER in the CONGO RIGHT NOW?

See above...

The developed world KEEPS the developing world poor

Before this was noticed in the 70's & 80's it was even worse (most of the third world stagnated between 50's - 70's)

Look into banana (my small country is very bad here) and coffee global trading

If you're talking Central and South America, out of my area of expertise. Which is why I specified that I was talking Thailand and Cambodia...

hakr: I'd respond by point to you, but I doubt it would help. When folks start talking "conspiracy", i know nothing I say will matter...
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You REALLY want to bring Africa into it?

Short of conquering most of the continent (south of the Sahara) and making it a colony, there is NOTHING we can do there. Africa has to learn to rule their own nations before any progress can be made there (that's the opinion of many folks I've talked to FROM Africa, BTW)...
Makes a lot of sense that, its Europes fault for not showing people how to run the country themselves (although Zimbabwe where this was done crashed and burned after 15 yrs)

Buy it would help a lot if we payed a fairer price for their comodities
If you're talking Central and South America, out of my area of expertise. Which is why I specified that I was talking Thailand and Cambodia...
A quick Google will lead you to the answers

You will end up buying more fairtrade products after ;)
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Heh... I trust stuff I read on the internet about as much as I trust a politician to be honest.

And pouring more money into Africa (whether through "assistance programs" or "fair price for comodities") will do nothing but enrich whichever warlord the money goes to.

Not really sure WHAT can happen in Africa to make things better. I do know that the only effect WE can have is to make things worse...
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Read this please seriously
(I had a long reply typed out but crappy symbain forced closed due to 152kb free ram :rolleyes: - need to get a new phone - no courage to get ZTE Blade as worried about returns as like 1/4 are fail units :rolleyes:)

In the British Isles companies like cadburys (and MCDonalds partially) are now using fairtrade raw materials - because consumers demanded it
This is one of the most important pillars of capitilism - companies must adjust to consumers wants
Thats partially why communism failed :p
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Sorry, Bobby: I don't take orders from you. Where were you from January 2001 through January 2009, when Cheney was committing his felonies? :D

Yup, it is certainly easier to say something and then serve up an excuse as to why you cant provide a few facts or tell us where a few facts can be found.

As for where I was from January 2001 through January 2009, I was in Salt Lake City, Utah. Does that help you? Also, it was not my turn to watch Mr. Cheney.

Facts or be quiet.

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False Pretenses? You mean the fact that EVERYONE thought that Saddam had WMD? Those "false pretenses"? Which, last time I checked, didn't qualify as a felony? Try again.

Wow. And yet, even the lower classes are out buying plasma TVs and computers (and Androids) at a growing rate.

Also: how many of that "top 2%" work in Washington DC, and get voted on every 2 or 6 years?

I WOULD like to see where you get that "95% of the wealth/2% of the population" figure...

Hey Strings . . . I saw that figure on the "Huffington Puffington or I'll Blow the Truth Down Post" website. I think you are wasting your time arguing with some people. They skim across the surface of Google and pick the first web site that is as irresponsible, or as insane or as crazy as they are and serve it up as proof. They do not read; if they did, they might discover just how wrong they really are. It is too late for them and pride won
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How about the fearmongering bullshit embodied in the phrase "the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud".

And btw Coulter and Limbaugh make their living calling people names. In case you hadn't noticed.

Yes they do. That's why I love them both to pieces. Try to find mistakes in what they say, however. You simply hate those two and you do so without any knowledge of what they say because you never listened to Limbaugh
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There are, literally, hundreds, if not thousands of cites available to anyone with a search engine that describe the years of outright lies told and furthered along by the likes of Limbaugh and Coulter.

Just put "Coulter's Lies" or "Limbaugh's Lies" in a search engine, and you will come up with many examples, most of which are legit.

Here's a cite for Coulter:

Guilty: Coulter's latest book filled with falsehoods | Media Matters for America

If you don't like those, there are plenty more you can find without any serious effort.
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editing my post to say: NVM.... not worth arguing over

I love it when they try not to let facts stand in the way of a talking point

I presume you are referring to limbaugh and coulter, the "brain trust" of the extreme right.

BTW, I haven't seen or heard much from coulter these days. Is she still paying college kids in the audience to attack her during her presentations? *

* Just an unsubstantiated rumor, of course. :D
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