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Random Thought Thread

I think my Twitter account is drunk 🤔

Had a preductive day, went to a small town's church for their fill up cookies and all kinds of sewing crafts for everyone, my sister and myself knew a few of our friends over there... One of them filled up the first concretion upper level and it was extremely level to step on it too. Went to the store for a bit picked up some veggie chips, and went to the bank..

kind of have to watch out on my wallet though lately hmmm....
Around here most of the "cut your own tree" places have been turned into solar farms. /smh :(

I few years ago I painted my living room, and spend an inordinate amount of time cleaning / painting over the pine pitch stains on the ceiling. We've done plastic ever since.
Being a scout with a good memory, I always bought my tree from whatever troop was selling. Payback if you will. When they quit selling trees, I quit buying trees. We've had a couple of different full size fake trees and now we just set up a table top tree. Good enough. :)
I have cut my old t-shirts for Project Repat all throughout this afternoon and my sister is just putting on the lable for the package tomorrow, Took me about a few months to just get them organized and everything, took us from four until 7:33 p.m., (Right now as I am posting it) I feel better of having them into quilt form..

Merry Christmas everyone!
My right hearing aid is dead, so had to visit the doc really quick, and she said "We will get the part next sennister." She will text me to see of the new peice and get it program it in..

My mother's ex-husband my father, only had one pair in the ear hearing aid... hmmm.. Hey mother time's has change.
The recent power outage that prompted me to come up with a backup heat solution also pointed out the need for some safe light. I have a number of flashlights like most everyone and some scented candles the wife is fond of on the ready. What I really like for a decent light source are the old proven chamber lamps.

I have three antique oil lamps that I've used in emergencies through the years but I only had one remaining lamp that was functional during the outage. Two lamps were out of wicks and I had to use the oil from them to fill the one functional lamp.
Unacceptable for the small sum to have all three lamps in a ready state. I went to my local Ace hardware store thinking they would be my source for oil and wicks. They let me down and I've spaced off the need since. Today it crossed my mind again and I find a somewhat local farm supply store called Atwoods has what I need. They also sell lamps like the one pictured for fifteen bucks. A very cheap light solution.
My sister who lives in another close town lost power the night after I lost power. Her service is underground. I agree that buried is far superior but not exempt from outages. Don't toss your oil lamp. They stay on the ready for many years and cost pennies to operate.
Living in an old part of town with the service overhead, is asking for problems. Most all of the trees are sixty to seventy years old and are huge. They are pretty but they fall victim to the high winds and ice accumulation. Basically a square mile of densely built homes are in the susceptible area. I doubt we'll ever see the service go underground. They recently ran fiber in my area. It runs down the end of each block underground and then overhead down each alley. They could do the same with the power but what's the point. The trees in the backyards can still wipe out the service.
We have two small solar generators (one 300 watts for phones, radio, etc and one 1800 watts for a small cooking eye); over a half dozen power banks and several LED lamps. And an emergency weather/shortwave radio that can be powered by USB, solar panel or hand crank. Emergency food, water, fuel and appropriate measures to defend it all. You never know when a disaster or emergency will occur... being prepared may be an "extreme" behavior but that's who will most likely survive.
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