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Random Thought Thread

It was taking WAY too long for all the bugs to be worked out... the new Kubuntu Linux LTS version 24.04 is a smooth clean install. It's upgrading from a previous version that can cause a system to be unrecoverable! Today I got a notification on our laptop that the upgrade was finally ready - and it failed, giving me a blank window as the reason for the failure.

Enough is enough: I'm wiping the SSD now and will do a clean install. Thankfully, I didn't have much set up on it anyway... at least now the laptop will be on Long Term Support, giving me time & a platform to work out the bugs before switching my desktop to Linux and giving Windows & Microsoft a nice dropkick out of my life.
Sorry to hear your upgrade wiped your OS out. I have used Ubuntu, but I've never used Kubuntu. I have used and liked the KDE desktop in the past without any issues. My gaming server used SuSE Linux that came with the KDE desktop I saw Kubuntu had some 24.04 variants available for download.

I have a couple of extra laptops and I experiment with the different versions of Linux listed towards the top of the list at DistroWatch DistroWatch.com: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. I have recently tried the top 7 currently listed and the one version with the least amount of issues was Linux Mint
The U.S. Navy - run by 23 year olds who are either half-drunk, half-asleep, or half-dead... and we've been kicking ass since 1775! Give us another round, bartender, for we intend to go into harm's way!

Sorry to hear your upgrade wiped your OS out. I have used Ubuntu, but I've never used Kubuntu.

There were just some errors upgrading Kubuntu from 23.10 to 24.04 because of the way the Thunderbird app was re-packaged. Nothing lost but time, really: the SSD wipe went flawlesly; the install went smoothly; our accounts were added without issue. It was easy enough to add our NAS as a folder in Dolphin file explorer and even pair my phone with KDE Connect. I'm a happy Chief today!



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I got out the ladder and took down my outdoor weather array this morning. The new station is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I'll keep the old outdoor unit. I have three friends that liked my old station so well that they purchased the same station. Though I don't have a need for the old unit, it will be good insurance for my buddies. A hail storm can quickly wipe out the brittle plastic unit and what I have will make them a great replacement. Especially considering that it is no longer available.
I'm glad you like your unit. My Tempest weather station is performing like a champ: and connects via Bluetooth to the network adapter plugged in across the house! The forecast has become scary accurate as it integrates data from the Tempest network of stations. It has little spikes on top to keep birds from perching on it, and I think those have helped ward off some of the small hail we've had.
They sound like very similar stations. My WS station has been part of the Weather Underground system for years and I'll marry the new station with their network. I don't think you can beat the information and the forecasting of a personal station. I bought the first station years ago when I was working out of town. I could access my station from my phone to see if the weather at home was going to allow me to mow lawns when I got back. If it was going to rain or had rained I could see how that was going to effect my evening work. If I couldn't work at home, I'd work at my carpenter job another hour or two.
In essence, the old station paid for it self and owes me nothing. :)
How long will it be before June 6th will be just another day to the average person? Keep the memory alive as long as you can. Teach your children, teach your grandchildren, and if you get the chance, teach your great-grandchildren about an event and a time and a PEOPLE who actually believed in something far greater than themselves and were willing to fight and die defending it.

Here's a random thought for ya...

If you want to make a real difference in people's lives, buy the book "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey for every high school graduate in your church's or organization's youth group. Order a case for your local pregnancy counseling center and/or shelter for abused spouses & children.

We've given the book as a wedding gift and received a card saying it was the most thoughtful (and useful) gift they'd received. The director of our local pregnancy counseling center called to say that while seated in the lobby, a young man picked up a copy of the book and was absorbed in it during his lady's counseling session. Having some to spare, he and the young mom-to-be were elated when the center gave them the book... and the tools they need to be a financially strong new family.

The gift of financial freedom cannot be overemphasized. I remember when, in 2002, we were one day away from bankruptcy. After a desperate phone call to a Dave Ramsey counselor, he ordered a free home study kit of Financial Peace University for us. A couple of years later, my sister confided that she was in serious money trouble - we were able to send her a home study kit. We've since helped countless people get back on track, out of debt, and on the way to financial independence... all because of the compassion one person had for us decades ago.

Moral of the story is: "learn to manage your money or the lack of it will manage you!"
Or just don't buy $80,000 cars and only make 20k a year :cool: I remember listening to his show by force at a former employer, It was amazing the amount of stupidity that was out there honestly.

But in all seriousness, I'm glad he was about to help you out. I found most his advice to be common knowledge stuff. Like don't buy stuff you can't afford.
Yeah, people here will pawn their car title at some title loan place, take the $1000 to the fireworks tent and then, on Independence Day, blow that money up in about 20 minutes. Then spend the next 9 months paying off the loan, getting their title back... only to do it all over again next year. Meanwhile, the Darling Bride & I sit on the porch, sipping our wine and watching the sky around us light up with spectacular fireworks. We enjoy the show for free: and our car titles are secure in our safe. People will literally get a cash advance loan to go to the county fair! Car shops around here hate Fair Week because nobody's getting maintenance or repairs done: all that money is going to wristbands for the rides, rigged carnival games, funnel cakes and footlong corndogs.

Okay, I'm all for the funnel cakes and footlong corndogs: but I'm not going into debt for them...
Bottom-feeding scum, in my opinion. The evidence to support my assertion is that these loan sharks are in the poor neighborhoods and never in the more affluent areas. That's because affluent people won't get a 900% APR loan! There are plenty of side hustles people can do to earn extra money and save it up... heck, I remember working two jobs for years to dig out of debt. The only thing Cash Express is good for are free pens and yellow sticky note pads.
Back from my vacation, walked on the beach a few times, I ate fish, had lobster, visit my Aunt and my mother's stepmother too, was really an excellent trip at Plymouth, we got home like five hours ago. I feel just almost sleepy again but I am going to be here for a spell though..

My hearing aid broke in two earlier today.
My left one, wich it was really odd listening to my mother and sister, I text the Audiologist and made the app too.
I have not told my mother about it just yet.. She probably just went to sleep.

I did navigated through the last leg of the race, holding my bladder for over an hour really sucks..
So looks like country music has officially jumped the shark, we are now ripping of Fast Car and of all things Everybody at the Club gettin tipsy. I guess you can only right so many songs about sleeping with your cousin in back of your daddy's pickup so many times.
Though I love music.. most all of it, I've never been a big fan of country music. I have nothing but respect for the genre, however, being one of the longest running veins of music with a large following. I actually have a few country tunes in my 5K playlist that I play while mowing and riding my bike. They are all old tunes from the fifties and sixties.
Though I love music.. most all of it, I've never been a big fan of country music. I have nothing but respect for the genre, however, being one of the longest running veins of music with a large following. I actually have a few country tunes in my 5K playlist that I play while mowing and riding my bike. They are all old tunes from the fifties and sixties.

With Country music, it's how it's sung.

Funny how dogs react to you, we were in the town today and we did pick up a pool just for him and filled it up with water, after a spell he just lay down and tilted a bag of puppy chow I held in for a spell, he ran up to me and almost bit my left bicep..
I was not doing anything at all and he thought it was a chuck of meat in the shadows.
The only shadow was just from my sister's cabinet and was tilting it over just for a second or two.
I feel alright just slightly sleepy from doing pulling weeds at her house as well as sweeping in this godforsaken heat.
My brother in law was involved in a not so serious car accident by a motor cycle, only hit his side view mirror on the outside,
I hope he is okay other then shaking..
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