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Random Thought Thread

I wonder if I should join Twitter...

I'm curious to see what the big fuss is about it... o.o

To me ...it sounds like a "hen house" of insistent IM back and forth until a rumor has been maserated to death ... and "Rumor central" ... IMHO...

I have more than enough input:
3 email account (PC), & 2 on G1;
IM on G1
TEXT msg...
20 hours a day ON this forum
and just starting IRC #androidforums on PC and G1

geez isnt that enough without adding Twitter ??? :eek:
To me ...it sounds like a "hen house" of insistent IM back and forth until a rumor has been maserated to death ... and "Rumor central" ... IMHO...

I have more than enough input:
3 email account (PC), & 2 on G1;
IM on G1
TEXT msg...
20 hours a day ON this forum
and just starting IRC #androidforums on PC and G1

geez isnt that enough without adding Twitter ??? :eek:

Is that it?

I got...

4 email accounts...(all PC-based)
IM on G1 and on PC
Text messages...
Less time than you on this forum...and time on other forums...
and Facebook! XD

Im thinking of whether I should IRC on my G1....the paid one has good reviews...but I'm not sure..
Is that it?

I got...

4 email accounts...(all PC-based)
IM on G1 and on PC
Text messages...
Less time than you on this forum...and time on other forums...
and Facebook! XD

Im thinking of whether I should IRC on my G1....the paid one has good reviews...but I'm not sure..

I am using the free irc from the market ... fIRC ... is good enough for the one room I want to chat in ...
Have you ever coughed, sneezed, and burped?

It happened to me just the other day. I had to sneeze, but it wasn't coming out. So I took a sip of my beer, which made me want to burp. When I took the sip of my beer, my sneeze was almost here, confusing the beer and causing me to choke on it aswell as swallow it. Immedialed after, sneezurpough.
I quit smoking and it's not an easy thing to do but if you are thinking it you're on the right track, it speaks volume. Make the necessary attempts at quitting and if you need help holla atcha girl! It wasn't easy but i'm 11 months smoke free now! Yay me!
Congrats. +1. Although, I just found out they now sale black and milds with wooden tips, and I must say, those wooden tips are amazing for blunts. Ahhh. I'm stuck at work til 5.
I wonder if Google will ever allow users to put their own themes into Android without having to use a home replacement app...
I....didn't know that... o.o

I need to find out more about doing that...

check over at XDA they have more than a few pre made themes as well as tutorials and pre setup theme templates so to speak where you just add in your own stuff.... ill try and find the link and edit this when i do.....

this should get you started or give you an idea of where you want to start : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=480807
I have 2 friends!!

With these 2 friends....I can begin my plan to take over the forums!

But i need more if I want to take over....THE WORLD!!!
All the good stuff seems to only be available if you root your phone...

I'm being more and more tempted to just go ahead and root -_-
Random Test....please ignore..


Actually...it did work...
Wow....this thread hasn't been used since I last used it O.o

Over 2 months ago... o.o

Well....I'm back now...I think....

You'll see me popping up here and there...
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