I doubt it would be damaging for Android - only for the 18 and under crowd.
These phones are primarily designed for adults as personal assistants for multi-tasking and useful applications.. keeping up to date with life easily and staying organized. Having the entire world at their finger tips.
I guess I underestimated the amount of teenagers who's parents buy them smart phones just for gaming. If only they knew why their kids really wanted a smart phone.
The demographic of 18+ will not be affected by a phone that has better gaming. Android is fine.
Sir you have no idea.
It bugs the crap out of me on a daily basis.
I hate todays "gaming" crowd.. "I call myself a gamer.. but, its not worth it to bring a psp or ds around! infact... all I really play is halo on my 360 and whatever game comes out on iphone"
With that said.. I am ... dissappointed? I guess would be the word...
I was a little impressed with the iphone 4 I will admit.. its a nice screen its amazing they stuck the A4 in there.. but, on the flip side..
Its not by "chance" that the same processor is now in 3 different devices.. And it makes the ipad seem like such a horrible buy.. there are phone's that are just as powerful as it?.... a media player as well? People have the right to spend money on whatever they want and the only justification they need to give me is "I wanted to"..
But, I do often sit back and get disgusted with the fact that so many kids in my hometown (and well the new town I live in) have iphones and droids as "gaming devices"... its pretty sickening that people pay 30$ a month for a device that is basically a toy... but, also... its really because these days phone's are the newest fashion statement.. Get an iPhone, droid or blackberry, you will look super cool! (I'm saying this because I actually sell cell phone's)... People want whats "newest" and "coolest" to hell with what it could be used for.. (bugs the crap out of me actually.. that I could get pretty decent use out of a smart phone but, can't get one due to being on a parents contract/completely and perpetually broke)... THe irony? by the time I get out of school and can afford one... It won't be as needed because, I will have a set schedule and a 9-5 job.. oppose to now where I could be at work.. and would do well to receive that email before the end of the night.. instead of the next day when I check my email in the morning....
However, the bottom line usually falls back to this.. the customer doesn't know *what* they have they don't care if its an A4 or snapdragon humming bird or dual core scorpion I believe is the rumored one I've heard about.. all they care about is having something new and shiney and completely useless to show off to their friends..
With that said.. I must admit I have 2 or 3 friends who really do get use out of it school related.. Schedule their classes, check email, and use it to really balance out their life.
Anyway.. Am I the only one who finds it ironic the QUALITY of the music was never once mentioned?....... Especially since you would think since its an mp3 line they would try to appeal to an audiophile or two... since from what i've seen most audiophiles feel apple is a joke at best..