They started throttling to 2G/EDGE speeds if you go over your 3G limit. 8kb/s anyone? Same thing with T-Mobile. On Cricket the throttled speeds were amazing! I had to leave Cricket though..they're CDMA and I can't use a Sensation on Cricket :v sadly.
Anyways my rant today is that throttling T-Mobile does. After 500MB, you're throttled back to EDGE speeds. Why? I pay for 5GB, I should get 5GB on 4G.
Is this a doubly limited data plan? So you pay for 5GB, but they really throttle it if you happen to go over 500MB. That sucks. Kind of makes super fast 4G rather irrelevant. The only things you can do with EDGE speeds is basic browsing of mobile sites unless you're patient, email, IM and maybe Facebook updates. Certainly not going to be streaming anything.