Cheap Craigslist buyers! NO I will NOT sell my 50" Samsung 1080p plasma for $500. Good luck finding one in perfect condition for that price!
What about some Craigslist
sellers? I went to buy a set of "Snap-on" tools. Nice fake Snap-on cabinet filled with Craftsman tools and about 10% Snap-on. And a seller touting that the brand name does not matter.
Or the rare Vespa I drove a hundred miles to look at that was not the proper year or even a Vespa, or in anyway rare, for that matter. Again, a Craigslist seller. Or a Cushman I recently looked at that was a no-name scooter with a Cushman logo on the side. And not even in the right position for the claimed year and model or the correct decal, even. Again, a CL seller.
Or a vintage Indian Chief that was neither vintage or Indian, just a modern "indian" with fake fenders? Or dealers that want to charge me $80,000.00 for a Harley WLA. Too much money for a fairly common bike and offered by a dealer that is insane.
And I always try to talk the seller down in price. Why pay 500.00 when three one hundred dollar bills and a fifty in plain site is sometimes all you need.
What about uninformed Craigslist sellers that claim a pocket watch made in 1985 is "vintage." Or a seller offering an album filled with pedestrian and cheap postage stamps for sale that he claims is rare? Or a fake Parker 51 I went to look at that turned out to be a homemade pen not worth a bloody darn as is the case with most homemade fountain pens.
And if that 50" Plasma seller does take five hundred or three hundred, I might assume it is hot. For you sellers not in the Fencing industry, it means stolen. And by fencing, I do not mean "men" in tights dancing with rapiers.
Do not get me started.
For the record, just about everything grinds my gears. Like girlfriends that can't use a clutch, they literally grind/ground my gears. She dislikes bikes, banjos, big dogs, collectable bar ware, the Gilroy Garlic Festival, Elvis, hardware stores, drive-ins, vintage trucks, my other girlfriends, cigar smokers, drinkers, and transfats. That really ticks me off, too.
Or girl friends that wont allow me to date their sisters or moms, what's up with that?
And "What's up with that" is a phrase that ticks me off. Like "Ya Feel Me?" or "Dawg." But I am OK with cracker and redneck. Most of my friends are either/or.
The Android Forums color scheme, that has to change too.