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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

I barely ever watch any news, so tonight I finally read some info. online about the man (I use that term loosely) who murdered Jacob Wetterling (the story broke this past weekend). It's unbelievable to me that anyone can do something like that, it was so heartbreaking to read what happened.

For anyone not aware of the case, this was an 11 yr old boy that went missing here in Minnesota back in 1989, & all these years his family had no idea if he was still alive out there or what had happened to him that night.

This is the story:

I think that once things like this are found guilty, they get to spin the wheel of death. Their punishment is handed out in about 60 minutes. No last meal! No getting to say goodbye to your loved ones! Just spin and die.

Punishments include, but are not limited to:

1) Crash test dummy.
2) Lab rab.
3) Family gets 60 minutes with you, and a room full of various devices of torture.
4) White hot poker up the poop shoot. Being force fed nothing but soluble fiber and industrial strength laxatives.
5) You get both your legs shattered, your good arm broken. Your are taken 1,000 miles out to sea and you are thrown overboard. (This will take more than an hour, but it is the grand prize.)
When I buy stuff, it's usually online. But I've noticed that more often than not, I'm let down, by faulty products, expectations not met, or simply sent the wrong thing.
And I don't buy a lot of stuff, but it seems like I get more problematic experiences than trouble free.
Also the majority of my purchases are via Amazon. Am I just unlucky?
So far, I've been lucky. I deal with Amazon for mundane things, small merchants who sell specialty items for die cutters and quilting items. I use Baen and Smashwords for books.

I've bought phones from Amazon. I bought the Moto XPRE there. They had some that supposedly had minute scratches on sale. I couldn't find the scratch.
I buy from both sources.....

I try to weed out the bad vendors, as best I can....

usually, when I get something that don't fit, it is my fault.

the only really BAD experience was recently I ordered some batteries for my Note 4, and FedEx SmartShip lost them, completely.... took them 4 weeks to own up to that fact.

the vendor though, he stepped right up and asked me how I liked his product in an email, I replied that FedEx lost them, he just reshipped them, right now....

FedEx Smartship delivered the 2nd time okay, except, that it took 5 days to make the last 25 miles from their facility to my house. :(
Who do they think their shitting?
This should be made illegal and the perpetrators should be subjected to loud "Gangsta Rap" for hours on end.

I use incognito when perusing adult sites anyway;)
I buy from both sources.....

I try to weed out the bad vendors, as best I can....

usually, when I get something that don't fit, it is my fault.

the only really BAD experience was recently I ordered some batteries for my Note 4, and FedEx SmartShip lost them, completely.... took them 4 weeks to own up to that fact.

the vendor though, he stepped right up and asked me how I liked his product in an email, I replied that FedEx lost them, he just reshipped them, right now....

FedEx Smartship delivered the 2nd time okay, except, that it took 5 days to make the last 25 miles from their facility to my house. :(

Amazon managed to misplace my first order (shipping) for the Moto. I cancelled it and they shipped another. It was sent by Amazon Warehouse, and not a 3rd party. I got the 2nd order as scheduled.
Who do they think their shitting?
This should be made illegal and the perpetrators should be subjected to loud "Gangsta Rap" for hours on end. View attachment 109512

I use incognito when perusing adult sites anyway;)

I wouldn't touch Avira with a 10 foot pole. I use ESET/NOD32 and they do have a mobile app. I'd sooner buy it and have protection from a company I know and trust. I've used that on the computer for almost 20 years.
Amazon managed to misplace my first order (shipping) for the Moto. I cancelled it and they shipped another. It was sent by Amazon Warehouse, and not a 3rd party. I got the 2nd order as scheduled.

I have to say that Amazon are peerless when it comes to customer service, in my experience. I've always had good problem resolution from them.
I wouldn't touch Avira with a 10 foot pole. I use ESET/NOD32 and they do have a mobile app. I'd sooner buy it and have protection from a company I know and trust. I've used that on the computer for almost 20 years.
I've been with Bitdefender for the past 7 years and so far they've been awesome for me.
W*nkerNet, OK. I just don't visit adult sites. So never see anything like that.

It's a DU thing. It's the default carrier title.
Totally unrelated yet somehow pertinent.
I was looking up firmware for LG G3. Trying to help somebody in the forum. Clicked the XDA link and that's what I got. I had adblock turned off because I was trying to support some sites.

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When a co-worker asks for your help in putting a conference room back together after a lunch meeting, & doesn't seem to understand that it includes wiping down the tables to clean up the food residue people left on the table. After we got the tables situated she just went back to her desk, even after I suggested we needed to clean up, so I went in search of cleaning products & took care of it myself.

This particular co-worker is also female (& a mom), she should know better! I also found it particularly annoying since I was just asked to "help".
I used to have a co-worker like that.

When things got even a teeny bit complicated, he'd call you over; "what do you think this problem is?", and once you hit a couple switches or something, "whelp, looks like you got a handle on this..." and he's gone!
I used to have a co-worker like that.

When things got even a teeny bit complicated, he'd call you over; "what do you think this problem is?", and once you hit a couple switches or something, "whelp, looks like you got a handle on this..." and he's gone!

You should say, hang on mate where are you going?
I worked with someone who, at the sign of anything complicated would just throw up his hands and give up. I couldn't work out if he was incompetent, or just plain lazy. I will always help someone, but I feel that some do push the boundary of asking for help, vs actually getting you to do their job! Besides, there is that 'teach a man to fish' saying, so I do think it's better all round if you get someone to understand how to do something, rather than complete the task for them.
My biggest peeve are the ones that complain all day long about the job, hours, boss, pay, etc... My opinion is shut up or get a new job. I hate negativity, especially in the work place. My Grandfather taught me to treat every job like it's the best job I've ever had. You'll get farther and be happier, is what he said.
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My biggest peeve are the ones that complain all day long about the job, work, boss, pay, etc... My opinion is shut up or get a new job. I hate negativity, especially in the work place. My Grandfather taught me to treat every job like it's the best job I've ever had. You'll get farther and be happier, is what he said.

I agree completely!
My philosophy is that if I'm unhappy in a job I move on. Besides, having crap jobs is actually good in a way, because it makes you a) learn more about what you're looking for, and what to avoid, and b) you appreciate the good jobs when you find them.
I agree completely!
My philosophy is that if I'm unhappy in a job I move on. Besides, having crap jobs is actually good in a way, because it makes you a) learn more about what you're looking for, and what to avoid, and b) you appreciate the good jobs when you find them.

c) get a crappy job that pays really well and suffer through it.
I agree completely!
My philosophy is that if I'm unhappy in a job I move on. Besides, having crap jobs is actually good in a way, because it makes you a) learn more about what you're looking for, and what to avoid, and b) you appreciate the good jobs when you find them.
I dunno. I've met a lot of doctors complaining they don't get enough sleep or eat on time, but they still love their job. Well it's not exactly complaining always.
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