Blame it on me
Why don't they just ban technology use in classes? If you can go through middle school and high school without a computer in front of you, then I think you can go through college without the computer too.
Of course, I'm still only in high school, and I have no idea how college works, besides the fact that you turn in assignments by email but you shouldn't be doing that while in class anyway.
It's easier to organize your notes when using programs like OneNote or any text editor. It's also more convenient to follow from your computer if the teacher has a document that you'd have to print (hundreds of pages!).
You can do whatever you want on a computer: many classes are in fact completely useless (if you've got the information somewhere else). However, the teacher might say something important about an exam, so missing classes isn't recommended. Some teachers do not care at all about their classes and want to go back to their research. Some can't even speak English correctly (or French, in my case).
Most students use their computers for facebook and things like that (memes, sites like reddit, etc). As long as they don't disturb anyone, I don't see much harm.