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Received your replacement note? Post here!

So basically you let them con you when it came to the $25 credit plus getting the all new accessories from inside the box. Man I would have just left with nothing and gone to another store.
I got mine on Wed the 21st at Verizon what a horrible experience. I had to wait almost 2 hours and they had 13 Note 7 in stock and I was number 10, when they finally waited on me I not sure if the girl who helped me was new or had no clue how to exchange it, it took her 30 minutes trying to exchange my phone. There was another guy at the counter trying to replace his two phones and his boxes where on the counter and when she could not get it to switch she went down to the lady who was trying to help the guy with the two phone swap out. I watched as she place my Note 7 box next to his and when she would use her handheld scanner to try to get my phone registered she would scan one of his boxes instead of mine I walked down to her and said you know you are scanning his box not mine, she looked at me like what are you talking about the guy also said the same thing why are you scanning my box instead of his, she looked at me and said it would not matter. I said I think it would if his phone shows up on my account and I am paying for it. She came back to where I was and did bring my box she went to the back and came back with three things, a Fit Bit 2, a Wireless Charging Dock and a Wireless external Charger, she said Samsung is giving me $25.00 for my inconvenience so I had to choose one of the three and pay the difference, I said I thought I could just apply the money to my account if I wanted to, she said no. So I bought the over priced wireless charging dock which retailed for $75.00 so the dock still cost me another $50.00. Then she asked if I had my box that the phone came in and the accessories I said no since I called Verizon and they told me just to bring the phone in that is all I needed to return it. She told me she could not give me the box or any of the accessories, I said I want the box since I bought the phone and want it all, she started to argue with me, I said I like to talk to the manager, she walked over to some other lady and talked and came back and took all the stuff out of the box and slammed the box down in front of me and said you can have it. I took the box my wireless charger and said I will set my phone up at home since this was now over 3 hours of my time and costed me to much time and money already for the day. Once I got home I set the phone up and took another 3 hours to have it setup the way I had my other one. What a screw up Samsung!!!! My time is money also and you cost me a lot of time and money because of your lousy quality inspections. Once I was setup I then went to update the phone and this is what came up before the update installed indicating the battery would change colors.

What a horrible experience, I feel for ya. Just another Verizon horror story. I posted earlier in this thread my T-Mobile experience and they were great!! Got the new box w/contents and kept the old stuff too. Sorry.
Went to verizon local store in SPFLD Mass. yesterday got my replacement waited about an hour (it was way busier than iphone 7 launch day) and the verizon rep was great. Got home i updated and the battery icon is now green and there's battery icon when the phone first turns on. Got the box with everything in it
Since getting my phone on Wednesday afternoon, doing the OTA, setting everything up and all, it hasn't even been 48 hours yet, so it's hard to make a good assessment this soon, but I believe the battery life is better than my OG Note7. Overall performance seems about the same.
Just got home from Verizon. I got my new Note 7, and kept all of my old accessories, so yes, 2 of everything now, lol.

Oh, it's nice to see a green battery icon after the update...
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When I first received notice of the recall I turned in my Note 7 and received a brand new S7 Edge as a loaner. I liked the S7 Edge and had considered keeping it in place of the Note 7 but yesterday when my wife and I were out having lunch I received a call from the T-Mobile store saying they had a limited number of Note 7s and it was "first come, first served." I explained that I had the S7 Edge with me but had none of the accessories. He said that was fine, to just bring the phone. There were a lot of people in the store so it took a while but I walked out with a new Note 7 with a green battery symbol.
WOW... I got my replacement Note 7 and I'm very happy about it! But something is kinda-sorta bothering me... it's in the process of a full data restore. I know that means it's crunching a lot of numbers and doing a lot of stuff, but it's barely holding its own on the fast wireless charger. I put it on the charger at 93%... it's been a half hour and I'm only at 97%. Is anyone else experiencing this? The always-on-display is on, so it's not like the screen is killing the battery. Just a little concerned here.
My details: Verizon Customer, purchased Note 7 at Sams Club on 8/23/2016.

Received a call yesterday from my local store saying my replacement was in. Two hiccups in return process were encountered: 1- Sams Club Point of Sale software required override for actual phone return. 2- Because of #1, we had to activate the old-fashioned way: call VZW Customer Service and do it over the phone. It was quite a long phone call, given the debut of the new iPhone and the exchange of Note 7's.

End result: I'm happy. Tips as follows:

1. Ensure you do a full backup via Smartswitch to prevent any loss of data.
2. Know your Antivirus/Security software PIN and gmail password.
3. Do a factory reset of the phone you're returning.

Hope this helps someone. YMMV. No data were harmed in the process of this exchange. ;-)
Got my new Note 7 via VZW and UPS Thursday and returned the old Note 7 today at the local corporate store. I'm less than happy that they couldn't just refund then pay it back on my account all at the same time since I had already paid the phone off and the phone rep set me back to a 2 year upgrade. Now I have to wait until the new phone shows that I can pay it off and the check from Verizon arrives from the old phone to pay the phone off again...minus the taxes which they kept. However, they did fix my upgrade eligibility back to today's date. It's only 3 weeks off from when I originally paid off the phone so I guess I won't quibble. Especially since the point is moot once I have a paid off phone again! They just had to make fun for me with swapping out the phone one last time. :p I did keep everything but the phone though. So there!
So, I got a deal that was too good to pass up. Guess I am back in business. Was really counting on waiting for the unlocked version that had all the US bands, but I couldn't hesitate on the deal I got.
That's what you get for going to Sam's. Chief. They got the factory seconds! Probably why you had to wait so long to get the replacement. J/k. I didn't have any battery charging problems though. Mine was at 56% when I got it and charged right up as I was moving everything over. 100% by the time I was done about 45 minutes later using wired charger.
I'm impressed with how much Samsung Cloud restored! WOW! About the only things I had to do was log into each app (that didn't restore) and set up my multiple email addresses. All in all, a fairly smooth process. Then I restored my Nova homescreen backup and only had to set up the widgets again. One bit of a sad note was that NOTHING restored in the Secure Folder... which I had hoped would be backed up. It wasn't. So I have to start all over again with that. Not bad.
I loved my first Note 7, blue. It performed flawlessly.

I like my blue replacement even better as it seems to run a little more smoothly and is generally crisper. The bezel is Rose Gold and the S-pen is blue. I can't remember if the first one had a gold bezel and a blue pen bit this one looks ard runs better. The battery life is excellent, it doesn't heat up (neither did my first one) and I love the wireless charger.

Very happy camper.
Well I finally made it to a Verizon Corporate store in order for me to replace my note 7. It was a 45min drive to my nearest one.

Anyways after reading what some people posted on here about having issues with swapping for another note 7 I didn't know what to expect. I was expecting the worse and to spend hours in the store.

The store I went to was awesome. I was in and out in less than 10min. The guy didn't let me keep the new accessories. That's fine I didn't care. He also said the $25 would be credited to my account unless I wanted to buy something right there and then and I could get $25 off an item which I didn't want to do that.

Just now got everything set up to my liking again. Maybe it's just me but this note 7 seems to perform better than the one I turned in.

I love the new green battery icon. I hope they keep the green icon going with future note series phones.

Oh well happy note 7 owner here.
Would've been curious to see how fast the replacement note charges compared to the previous note. Anyone returned their note and try to purchase a new note 7 with the promotion for the free VR?
So much for Samsung Cloud backing up apps and settings! I had high hopes that I could restore the backup and wouldn't have to sign back into every single app. Wrong answer! I forgot all about changing phones being this much of a pain :p
That's what you get for going to Sam's. Chief. They got the factory seconds! Probably why you had to wait so long to get the replacement. J/k. I didn't have any battery charging problems though. Mine was at 56% when I got it and charged right up as I was moving everything over. 100% by the time I was done about 45 minutes later using wired charger.
It's not Chief's fault, he was just mislead and thought he was actually buying it direct from Sam's-ung. :D
Odd. I had to sign into my apps again Chief but the data transferred just fine via Samsung Cloud. I still did a double backup with Helium just in case and was glad I did as a few apps got skipped. Still, it didn't take long at all to get back up and running.
Two replacements ordered through Best Buy where we bought our original 2. They came in on the 19th and I picked them up on the 20th. Our originals worked perfectly. Never got any warmer than 108 while using or charging. The new 'green' ones are exactly the same 108-109 while using or charging. Best Buy sold the originals through Verizon as a carries, exchanged to the new green ones though Best Buy with no hassles. Not happy with all the problems but it could have been a lot worse.
My replacement has been stuck like this since Saturday.. Note 7 is backed up, factory reset and boxed up. So frustrating knowing nothing and being in limbo possibly having to leave family to do an exchange while I'm at work.


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I hope I am not getting Best Buy in trouble for this post, but they told me when I received my replacement Note 7's, that Samsung did not want the original boxes or their contents back, ONLY THE HANDSET!!! Now I have 4 of everything that came in the original boxes and 1 extra STYLUS/PEN!!! SO, the recall was not completely negative.....
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