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*Rezound ICS OTA is live Thread*

I don't think VZW and moto are in cahoots or anything. I do think that htc and VZW don't see eye to eye for whatever reason

Verizon saved Motorola with the Droid campaign. Now I believe Motorola will do anything to please VZW in the wake of the iPhone. http://www.android.net/forum/androi...about-partnership-verizon-because-iphone.html

There may not be any solid partnership, but if Verizon said "we want a phone that has every piece of bloatware we can think of, and we want to call it the Droid Lag," Motorola would make one.
Verizon saved Motorola with the Droid campaign. Now I believe Motorola will do anything to please VZW in the wake of the iPhone. http://www.android.net/forum/androi...about-partnership-verizon-because-iphone.html

There may not be any solid partnership, but if Verizon said "we want a phone that has every piece of bloatware we can think of, and we want to call it the Droid Lag," Motorola would make one.

What's worse is that I'm honestly afraid you are right.

Now back on topic.

One week left in the month, where's my ICS!
My Rezound has always worked so well that I've just been content to wait for the ICS update. Even though nothing is really wrong with the phone, I'm getting impatient at this point waiting for the update. I bought this in January expecting that it would have ICS shortly after purchase (the Q1 forecast from Verizon) and now that July is coming to a close I'm just getting frustrated.

I think if it isn't here by the month's end I'm just going to root it and put Joelz's viperRez ROM on it. I'm sure it will be way better than the OTA anyway with the Sense 4 addition. Just tired of waiting for something that was supposed to be here months ago.
Trying to stay on top of this "speculation" thread...

Am i correct that HTC has not updated its comments from a few days ago saying that " an updated schedule would be coming soon"?

Which i am also saying makes the one from last week saying that the release would start rolling out by months end to be no longer HTC's most current position.

Meaning we currently have no reason to expect a release by months end?
So last night I was in the middle of playing a game (I forget which) and it lagged for a second, I thought, "hmm, weird" continued playing for about 30 more seconds and then it froze and the screen went black, then the startup screen started. My heart skipped a beat, "Could this be it? The Ice Cream Sandwichy goodness promised by our Verizon overlords?"

No friends, as you all probably know it was not. VZW Navigator (which I have never opened) had updated itself. :hmpf:
Something might be up with the OTA update. This afternoon I've been trying to check and it stays on the screen "checking for new software available now" and does not go to the next screen saying no updates available.
Not sure if this is a good thing or not.
Something might be up with the OTA update. This afternoon I've been trying to check and it stays on the screen "checking for new software available now" and does not go to the next screen saying no updates available.
Not sure if this is a good thing or not.

is this a " made ya look, ya dirty crook" thing?
I doubt I will receive a response, but will keep you guys posted:

I wouldn't be surprised if it came out tomorrow... Now that I installed the leak this afternoon. Go figure. Anyway, the .10 leak isn't bad. It has its moments when I think I should have waited, but it will let me prep for the next update anyway. I'm not convinced that this leak is the one that's going to be pushed over the air. If so, then that's what we get for being impatient.

Still upset that I don't have scrolling wallpapers, but at least I have Chrome now.
I don't really follow this, but I called VZW today to see when the update would be out. The Rep, who claimed own the same phone, said she had no idea, but then added "let me put you on hold while I dig through the computer".

A few minutes later she said "Well, looks like it has been OK'd for release, but if past history is a guide they'll do in small at first to see what happens and then, if no issues, on a larger scale.

I only bought a Rezound to replace my Droid Incredible to lock in before the rate plans changed. Was going to hold off until ICS was standard. From what I've read I look forward to it.
I don't really follow this, but I called VZW today to see when the update would be out. The Rep, who claimed own the same phone, said she had no idea, but then added "let me put you on hold while I dig through the computer".

A few minutes later she said "Well, looks like it has been OK'd for release, but if past history is a guide they'll do in small at first to see what happens and then, if no issues, on a larger scale....
The same thing happened to me when I spoke to Verizon this evening. The only difference was that instead of putting me on hold to "dig through the computer," my rep transferred me to tech support:

A tech support representative named Josh told me that the ICS update for the Rezound has been approved by Verizon, and it is just a matter of time before the release. He said that no one at his level really knows the release date, but believes that it will be "sooner rather than later." He also committed to the fact that the Rezound will get the update and said that Verizon had always committed to this, and never wavered from that commitment. His remarks seem to corroborate the info that is shown in the gottabemoblie post linked above by miniSQ.

Josh also stated that, based on internal speculation at Verizon, they believe that the reason for the delay in the upgrade is because when the ICS upgrade was almost ready to roll out, as Android 4.0.4., Google released 4.0.5. Verizon thought it better to delay a little bit and just do the upgrade to 4.0.5 directly rather than do another OTA update later. But, again his words, "the changes from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 were not inconsequential." They took longer to prepare for roll out than Verizon had anticipated.

This is sufficient for me to remain happy with my Rez as is, and wait patiently for the OTA to roll out. I just think that it is unfair for a company as good as HTC is to have to take so much public wrath about this when it was a Verizon decision that caused the delay. But the decision made sense (no pun intended). Verizon's only mistake in the whole thing was that they kept silent about it. If they had simply kept us all informed about the progress of the upgrade there would have probably been fewer irate people griping about it.
Well if Josh is telling the truth, those of us on the 4.04 leak should get the OTA since it is 4.05. I hope that takes care of some of the minor bugs with the 4.04 leak but I hope it doesn't take away the local search function that HTC is removing from Jellybean!
I just called VZW on an unrelated subject. While taking to the rep I asked about the ICS update. She also checked on her "internal computer system" and told me the update to ICS has been approved & it's just waiting in line to be pushed out. So hopefully soon we'll all be enjoying our own little slice of ICS.
Well if Josh is telling the truth, those of us on the 4.04 leak should get the OTA since it is 4.05. I hope that takes care of some of the minor bugs with the 4.04 leak but I hope it doesn't take away the local search function that HTC is removing from Jellybean!

Where did you get the 4.04 leak. I downloaded the latest leak yesterday from droid life, which had the link from xda site. Yet when I check the version it says 4.03.
I.concur. The latest leak is 4.0.3

That's what I recall that the Rezound was supposed to get as well. I remember because the S3 was supposed to be shipping with 4.0.4, and thinking why are we not getting that version. Great if we do, especially if we end up getting 4.0.5, but with Verizon I'll believe it when I see it. Hell, when I called inquiring about the Inc4G on launch day 2 reps told me at first that they hadn't heard of it and doubted they were getting it! I directed them to the front page of Verizon Wireless. After they saw it there, one of them told me "Learn something new everyday". :rolleyes:
this feels like gingerbread on the incredible all over again... by the time it came out it was months and months that went by and i already got a new phone
My understanding is that THIS is the latest leak, but the OTA could still have a higher Software Number. After all, my build still has Dev Options in the menu. I have a feeling they will remove that.


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My bad it is 4.03. My old brain is at it again;-).
Either way, the same holds true a higher release number should guarantee that we get the OTA.
My understanding is that THIS is the latest leak, but the OTA could still have a higher Software Number. After all, my build still has Dev Options in the menu. I have a feeling they will remove that.

Probably true about the Dev Options. The big question is will the pull the abilty to disable apps.

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