The only thing I covet on the GNex is ICS. But it was more based on things I read about rather than any actual experience with Android 4.0 (besides the short time I played with the display unit).
That changed yesterday when I installed ICS on my wifi Xoom tablet. I've been playing around with it almost nonstop and I simply cannot believe just how much of an upgrade it is from honeycomb. I bought the Xoom about a month after it came out and can honestly say that I've not used it nearly as much as I thought I would mostly because I felt the user experience lacking. But ICS is a real pleasure to use. The Xoom finally feels like the device I expected it to be when I got it 10 months ago.
The reason I bring this up is because the leaked early build of ICS for the rezound that hit the web the other day suggests that HTC is working hard on 4.0. Yeah, it's still really bugging and pretty much unusable as a day driver, but I finally feel like ICS will become a reality and not just some words on a press release.
Right now, I'm running CleanROM 1.5 by a wonderful dev name scott available
here. It's an amazing rom. Fast, lean, stable and reliable with stunning battery life. It is by far the best rom on any phone I've ever used. So for now, I can wait for ICS to drop on the rezound.
I'm also glad I ultimately ended up sticking with the rezound instead of switching to the GNex. Even though the latter already has ICS, what you see is pretty much what you get. That's not the case with the rezound. If ICS can make a 10 month old tablet feel like a brand new device just imagine what it will do for a phone that's just a couple months old with better hardware. Beastly is the word that comes to mind.
This is an great time to be an android phone owner, but it's especially exciting for us rezounders.