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Rogers Update: 911 Fix for Rogers HTC Dream and Magic is Ready

So I am the new villain of the week. Brilliant!

Mob mentality at work here!

And the worst part, it is all based on misconceptions.

Whatever. :rolleyes:

Again, everything seems to center around you and your little world. Perhaps think of others instead. Now please return OT.
Did you try rebooting the phone (pull battery out)?

That worked for me.

lol i called tech support and tried that a million times, and still nothing, it's the first of february, one week since i did the update and i still have no data. i just called rogers 10 minutes ago, and he told me since it's been escalated that he can't do anything else and i must keep waiting.
Folks, just to set the mood right, let's not start calling each other names and making general assumptions.

We're not here to make ourselves sound smarter then the other. Our main goal here is to make sure that the right information is exchanged in a civilized manner and fighting against the forces such as Rogers and making sure they understand, clarify and address any Android related issues for our respective devices.

This is and should be our primary goal. Let us not behave like children and resort to name calling!

lol i called tech support and tried that a million times, and still nothing, it's the first of february, one week since i did the update and i still have no data. i just called rogers 10 minutes ago, and he told me since it's been escalated that he can't do anything else and i must keep waiting.

I was in the same boat. CSR's at both Fido and Rogers weren't able to solve my issues.

Have you tried removing the user/password from your internet APN profile? (i.e. no fido/fido for user/pw) That got my Magic back on 3G but phone is still roaming. Hopefully they find a fix for that.

And yes, the new OS on my patched Magic has the OTA patch option now.
Dude, chill out would ya. Good for you that you are having a good experience with the update, but that doesn't take away from what others are experiencing. You don't have their devices and you don't know what they use them for, so how can you be spewing off about turning usless things off. Just because it's useless to you doesnt mean that it's not a requirement to someone else. Fact is, post update the battery does not last as long as before update with the same usage.

Wait let me rephrase what I meant. The issue is a non issue to Rogers/Fido if it is solely due to customer use. As much as you want them to fix it they don't care much if your battery is used more. I know i'm not exactly the same as everybody else but how can i get 4 days with the same device while people can't get 1 :confused: , i'm not using a magical battery and it's definitely being used every day. That's why I'm raising the question.

Furthermore the Sense UI has a lot of features turned on that cause it to drain the battery faster. Disabling the ones you don't need help.Also a simple clean with task killer keeps your ram free and save energy.

Basically i doubt the update affected the physical consumption of the device (GPS,Camera,...) or the amount it requires to process a job. Therefore the only reason it would be slower/use more battery would be more items to process. HTC Sense UI = Sleek + Bloatware.

So to me this is not a technical issue it's a question of using your phone properly. An analogy would be similar to driving a car with ambient temperature 18C and running the A/C at 18C and complaining your losing a couple MPG.
Hey All,

Just wanted to say that after a week of trying to get the update onto the phone I have sucessfully installed!

Credit to Rogers tech support tier 2 (I had no phone contact so we used Yahoo messenger).

My original fault was because I had a linux machine and installing from the MicroSD (2 x zip files) did not work for me.

So I got hold of a Windows XP machine and used the following method:

From HBOOT screen add USB cable and you'll see HBOOT FROM USB and run the update file (RUU_Sapphire....) and follow through instructions...

Worked wonders!

I do hope for the peeps with current issues they get them resolved soon!

I don't usually have a kind word for Rogers but this guy spent 2 hours on Messenger with me troubleshooting until we found a workable way to load the software update!

I had lost hope thinking that I had somehow wiped my 1.5 plain vanilla!

Now the next stage... calling Customer Service to get data on and to get a credit for the week I was without a working phone/service!

i just got off the phone with Rogers. i first asked for a billing rep. i told her my story. i mentioned i've had no data for over a week now. i also told her that i was told that it was escalated to level 2. she told me i was right, that it says the same in my file. but it also said that since february 1st my case was closed, saying i have no known issue with my phone, and that it should be working fine. she then sent me to tech support so that they can deal with the issue. i told him everything, we went through a few steps, taking out the battery, checking off 2G if it was on, and so on, nothing worked. anyway as he was talking i started playing around wiuth the mobile network button and i'd turn it on and of with no success, but suddenly for some reason i got a H at the the top of my screen which then turned to 3G, i was ecstatic. i told him everything worked it was fine. anyways i then asked for a billing rep again. i then told her, i know that dream and magic owners are getting one month of data free, but i didn't have data for 8 and a half days. will i be compensated for those 8 missing days? she said no that i will get one month free why would get anything else. i kept explaining to her that that was for people who got there data after 24 hours, i got my data 8 days later, there should be something extra for people like me that have had this misfortune. she said no saying why should you get anything more, you already have the 1 month free of data... i got tired of her as she wasn't understanding what i was saying so i told her thank you and got off....
i just got off the phone with Rogers. i first asked for a billing rep. i told her my story. i mentioned i've had no data for over a week now. i also told her that i was told that it was escalated to level 2. she told me i was right, that it says the same in my file. but it also said that since february 1st my case was closed, saying i have no known issue with my phone, and that it should be working fine. she then sent me to tech support so that they can deal with the issue. i told him everything, we went through a few steps, taking out the battery, checking off 2G if it was on, and so on, nothing worked. anyway as he was talking i started playing around wiuth the mobile network button and i'd turn it on and of with no success, but suddenly for some reason i got a H at the the top of my screen which then turned to 3G, i was ecstatic. i told him everything worked it was fine. anyways i then asked for a billing rep again. i then told her, i know that dream and magic owners are getting one month of data free, but i didn't have data for 8 and a half days. will i be compensated for those 8 missing days? she said no that i will get one month free why would get anything else. i kept explaining to her that that was for people who got there data after 24 hours, i got my data 8 days later, there should be something extra for people like me that have had this misfortune. she said no saying why should you get anything more, you already have the 1 month free of data... i got tired of her as she wasn't understanding what i was saying so i told her thank you and got off....

Hey sorry to hear this...

I just called Rogers customer care and managed to get my plan for the month refunded - I was out for 10 days and got a refund of 50 bucks!
Does any one know when Rogers will be selling the HTC Magic? I mean the 911 patch has been out for almost 2 weeks now, and i know the dealers pulled all of there existing stock off the shelf to ship back. I havent seen anything on the web to tell me if they pulled the units completely or are going to be selling them again with the updated software.
With all these extra work after update, i doubt they will have htc magic on shell for a while.
They will need to patch all these old device also.
Basically i doubt the update affected the physical consumption of the device (GPS,Camera,...) or the amount it requires to process a job. Therefore the only reason it would be slower/use more battery would be more items to process. HTC Sense UI = Sleek + Bloatware.

So to me this is not a technical issue it's a question of using your phone properly. An analogy would be similar to driving a car with ambient temperature 18C and running the A/C at 18C and complaining your losing a couple MPG.

Just so you know, it is perfectly possible for software to affect your phone's power consumption. SPECIALLY when this software controls radio devices (wifi, bluetooth, phone, etc).

The firmware produced by HTC/Rogers fails miserably as compared to many of the rooted roms. The reason is that the rooted roms are optimized (which is also why they are faster).
Speaking from a purely technical point of view, an optimized program uses fewer CPU cyles to perform the same task as it's unoptimized counterpart. Fewer CPU cycles translates to less power consumption and less power consumption gives you a longer battery life.
I had been using CyanogenMod on my Dream for about 4 months until I applied the update. I could go for a bout a day and a half (GPS off) when using Cyanogen. With the current Rogers update even if I turn off Wifi and Bluetooth, I still can't get a full day out of it.
Hi All - Just letting you know that we've updated our online statement:


Updated: Feb. 5, 2010

Rogers Communications customers who have purchased the Rogers HTC Magic or HTC Dream are advised to update the software on their handsets to ensure that 911 calls complete. An issue has been identified in these products that will prevent 911 calls from completing in certain situations. Specifically, calling 911 may reboot the phones if:

a) GPS is enabled on the phone; and
b) a customer is connected to the Internet either through the network or a WiFi connection.

Rogers disabled network internet access on these devices as a short-term fix. Rogers is strongly advising customers who have not yet updated their software to turn off GPS and WiFi connections and to update the software as soon as possible.

Rogers has reached out directly to Dream and Magic customers through multiple SMS text messages and voicemail messages, urging them to install an update that repairs this known issue. Internet service has already been restored for thousands of customers who have completed the update.

For detailed instructions on how to complete this update, customers should click the link for "Rogers HTC Dream/Magic Required Software Upgrade Instructions" below on this page. Customers will need to backup any personal items before the update process. Users of Windows 7 or Macintosh will need to call 1-888-Rogers1 for update instructions. Rogers has also removed all Dream and Magic inventory while updated software is installed on these handsets.

Rogers customers who are using HTC Dream and Magic devices that were not purchased from Rogers need to be aware that the same safety issue is present in some of these devices. HTC has reached out to some Rogers customers to advise that a mandatory software update is now available. As a precautionary interim measure, Rogers strongly recommends that customers turn off the GPS and WiFi capability to ensure 911 call completion. Customers with Dream or Magic devices not purchased from Rogers should contact HTC for further details at 1-866-449-8358. People who purchased HTC Dream or Magic devices from Rogers that are now being used on other networks should also disable GPS and WiFi and contact HTC for more information.

Rogers top priority is protecting the safety of its customers. Rogers sincerely apologizes for this inconvenience. Dream and Magic customers on data plans will automatically be credited for one month of data fees (excluding roaming). This credit will show up on invoices within 60 days."

^speaking of the devil.....

I just got another "urgent" text message. I've been on a brand new Magic running the brand new "safety first" firmware all day. I've had data since the first weekend and even running the new ROM I still get the messages. oh well.
Hi All - Just letting you know that we've updated our online statement:


Updated: Feb. 5, 2010

Rogers Communications customers who have purchased the Rogers HTC Magic or HTC Dream are advised to update the software on their handsets to ensure that 911 calls complete. An issue has been identified in these products that will prevent 911 calls from completing in certain situations. Specifically, calling 911 may reboot the phones if:

a) GPS is enabled on the phone; and
b) a customer is connected to the Internet either through the network or a WiFi connection.

Rogers disabled network internet access on these devices as a short-term fix. Rogers is strongly advising customers who have not yet updated their software to turn off GPS and WiFi connections and to update the software as soon as possible.

Rogers has reached out directly to Dream and Magic customers through multiple SMS text messages and voicemail messages, urging them to install an update that repairs this known issue. Internet service has already been restored for thousands of customers who have completed the update.

For detailed instructions on how to complete this update, customers should click the link for "Rogers HTC Dream/Magic Required Software Upgrade Instructions" below on this page. Customers will need to backup any personal items before the update process. Users of Windows 7 or Macintosh will need to call 1-888-Rogers1 for update instructions. Rogers has also removed all Dream and Magic inventory while updated software is installed on these handsets.

Rogers customers who are using HTC Dream and Magic devices that were not purchased from Rogers need to be aware that the same safety issue is present in some of these devices. HTC has reached out to some Rogers customers to advise that a mandatory software update is now available. As a precautionary interim measure, Rogers strongly recommends that customers turn off the GPS and WiFi capability to ensure 911 call completion. Customers with Dream or Magic devices not purchased from Rogers should contact HTC for further details at 1-866-449-8358. People who purchased HTC Dream or Magic devices from Rogers that are now being used on other networks should also disable GPS and WiFi and contact HTC for more information.

Rogers top priority is protecting the safety of its customers. Rogers sincerely apologizes for this inconvenience. Dream and Magic customers on data plans will automatically be credited for one month of data fees (excluding roaming). This credit will show up on invoices within 60 days."



This is getting absolutely ridiculous!

First you tell us it's okay to just turn off GPS. Then Rogers insists they must turn off data for our safety. NOW you tell us we have to turn off WiFi?

I don't buy it. Rogers is lying.

If Rogers was really worried about our safety, they would have turned off data and warned us about WiFi the day the first text message went out about the issue. I am willing to bet the ONLY reason we are getting this waring now about WiFi is to scare us into running your update. FORGET IT!

You can't give me the same old tired PR line about being worried about my safety, Rogers' actions betray that lie when they wait to tell us these important things about data and WiFi... or, is Rogers really just saying they are incompetent? Rogers just figured it out now? Is that it? It has to be one or the other. Either it's a lie, or you only just found out, which means your teams are incompetent.

ALL good will Rogers engendered in me by getting us updates is GONE!

I will continue to pester and embarrass Rogers with my blog until and unless we get some truth; until and unless we get a bug fix that is not full of more bugs, and which does not block rooting.

If this does not change I _WILL_ be canceling my phone service.

Please feel free to call me if you wish to discuss, but you can count on my renewed efforts to publicize this debacle all over the web.
I will continue to pester and embarrass Rogers with my blog until and unless we get some truth; until and unless we get a bug fix that is not full of more bugs, and which does not block rooting.
You make me laugh. If Rogers is as maniacal as you claim do you really think they'll give a rat's ass about someone spewing trash talk on a blog only a handful of people read?
You make me laugh. If Rogers is as maniacal as you claim do you really think they'll give a rat's ass about someone spewing trash talk on a blog only a handful of people read?

So, what's it to you?

This issue is important to him, and to many people here. He's taking an active part in trying to change things. All I see from your part is you trying to fling your own poo at people who actually try to do something.

Sorry for the disgusting image, but I had to go down your level to try and make myself understood.

Now for the grownup talk: when you don't have anything constructive to add to an issue, you just don't say anything.

The troll has been fed. In about a week, he should get hungry again. Someone else can feed him then. I know I won't.

Nicolas Racine
You make me laugh. If Rogers is as maniacal as you claim do you really think they'll give a rat's ass about someone spewing trash talk on a blog only a handful of people read?

Thank you for your noble feelings and civilized talk. That gotta be a big hand you're talking about. A really big one. Much bigger than you expect.
Is it possible to undo the 911 fix that rogers forced upon us?
I would like to revert my Dream back to how it was and then root it.
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