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Rogers Update: 911 Fix for Rogers HTC Dream and Magic is Ready

RogersMary, I don't know about other Magic users but I am getting really frustrated with this daily grind of having to reboot the phone and the totally unacceptable battery drainage after having done this so called mandatory update. It's great that we have Sense UI but it is pointless when the device itself has so many other capabilities taken away and more issues popping up left, right and center.

This update has essentially left my Rogers HTC Magic device useless. What are our options? I don't care much about getting a one-time credit for data usage, I don't care much about Sense UI at this point, we want answers! We want to know what is Rogers going to do to address these new issues which other magic users are also experiencing?

Over the past few days, there has been very little communication from Rogers about this. MJSchmidt has started a thread on here to allow for users to report back on any issues that they have started to experience post-update.

- Have you seen this thread?
- Are these issues trakced somewhere at Rogers?
- How are these issues managed and reported?
- What is the plan on rectifying these and other problems which we've had since the update?
- Where is the feature list for what was included (and taken away) in this update?

The update is just about a week old and to see these many problems arise due to one supposedly "simple" update is not just shocking. To add to the mix are the actions taken by Rogers to forcefully disabling data for users who do not carry out this mandatory update are simply put asinine and ridiculous.

Here we are not even a year into the release of the Magic and Dream which were supposed to bring forth a "revolution" to Canada have brought nothing but headache for customers and chaos for Rogers.

The more silence we get from Rogers, the more stronger and furious our push will be!
Dream's get the option of a free Magic.... seems like something to me?

I'm a Dream owner, and I didn't get this option. I saw this offer rumored on Android forums, but could not find anything on the Rogers site to validate it. I wasn't about to call Rogers and sit on hold, only to say I read a rumor that they were giving away Magics to Dream owners. In hind site, looks like it might've paid off... but I wouldn't call it an "offer" if it was never formally communicated to anyone.

Maybe they should've suspended my 3G access until I called in requesting a new phone... ;)
Hey guys,

If you need a backup solution prior to doing the Rogers update, you can always use MyBackup for free for 30 days. It does need internet connection to run, but you can use your WI-FI on the phone still.

Also, purchase the Pro version, which will run without internet connection after it has been activated.

You can download both at RerWare Android&#8482 Products: MyBackup Pro (backup Android&#8482,backup G1,backup Hero,backup MyTouch), MyBookmarks, Asteroids, Lunar Lunacy
I tried to install this update on my phone but was unable to download it because of my serial number. if someone has the actual exe and wants me to try it on my magic, I will be more than happy to do that and provide feedback.

Currently, I am using a loaner LG because the Magic is just not useful after the update with constant rebooting required and a higher rate of battery drain.
I tried to install this update on my phone but was unable to download it because of my serial number. if someone has the actual exe and wants me to try it on my magic, I will be more than happy to do that and provide feedback.
You may brick it.

Currently, I am using a loaner LG because the Magic is just not useful after the update with constant rebooting required and a higher rate of battery drain.
Is anybody else experiencing this?
You may brick it.

As far as I know the Magic for me after applying the update is already Bricked! With so many features missing/removed and the issues which I mentioned above, Rogers has failed to provide me with a usable device! They've not kept up with their part of the contract which I signed to have a working phone.

Sure I can dial 911, but that doesn't qualify as a "working phone". I expect Rogers, to either replace my phone or provide me with another device.

Don't know about the Magic as I have the Dream working on Fido. After the Fix I went 4 days without data. Talked to numerous Fido support people every day to no avail. All of them said to use the wap.fido.ca APN with username "fido" and password "fido". I finally asked one techy what the internet.fido.ca was for. He said that was only for smartphones like the iPhone. DF. Tried that one with no username and no password and it worked right away. I still have some problems as service seems to be a bit erratic but at least I can get my emails when I'm on the road. See if that works on Magic

Today marks a week no 3G data. Phone 'roaming' for some unknown reason.

No suggestion other than power on/off-battery removal.

Thanks for the suggestions. No luck with wap trick.

<EDIT> HANG ON. no user/pw in internet.fido.ca APN set to 'default' got 3G back on! . Phone is still 'roaming' but woohoo. 3G again!

i'm new to the forum, and only signed up cause of this issue. i updated my HTC Magic on monday, and had no problems with the update. My phone was not rooted to any other rom, so this update pretty much gave me a new phone. i love it. problem is, i have no data, no 3G. i am with rogers btw, and not with fido. i have called the rep about the issue numerous times this week. yesterday(thursday) they escalated it to level 2. saying over 400 people have this issue. i asked about a network refresh, and he said no. that all i can do, is to wait patiently till it starts working again. they've done everything they could. btw one rep was an idiot. we kept going through settings, asking me to go here, and go here, when i mentioned that where he was asking me to go didn't exist, he would ask if i was even using a rogers phone...

i'm really getting pissed off with rogers, i left telus, to be with rogers, and frankly i wish i stayed with telus... i hate telus, but goddamn i'm really hating rogers now
"I'd be very surprised if Rogers didn't allow you to move over to a voice only plan so you're not paying for a service you can't access."

I felt compelled to sign up for this forum just to respond to this.

I spend much of the year overseas and so need a GSM phone and accordingly have little choice but to buy from Rogers, Canada's GSM monopoly, when I need a new phone on short notice (having lost my old one).

But having dealt with Rogers in the past there was no way I was going on contract and paid $600 for my Magic to accordingly be left alone. I just use a pay-as-you-go voice only SIM.

I WAS left alone for a few months, but then got bombarded with dozens and dozens of text messages from Rogers saying I was trying to access data without a data plan and directing me to data plans they sell. Accessing data through wifi does not count as accessing data without a data plan, in my opinion, and even if I were trying to access data through Rogers towers it would be one thing to just deny the data and quite another to send unsolicited text messages by the bucketful. It should be called what it is: unsolicited junk mail that some marketing genius at Rogers came up with. The topper is sending another message after a half dozen of these saying I have used a half dozen messages recently therefore I should buy another message plan!

With this "mandatory" update the harrassment reached a whole new level. How hard is it to just send a single message saying 911 won't work without an update and Rogers absolves itself of all liability re 911 availability for users who don't update? Instead it escalates from repeated text messages to robocalls.

So I bite the bullet but can't install HTC Sync on my Win7 laptop from the link on Rogers website, and the install program itself doesn't work, without any acknowledgement in the install dialog that it is designed for XP and Vista. Only after waiting on hold with tech support and suggesting to them that there may be an issue with Win7 is it confirmed that I have to go find a Vista machine.

All this I could handle if Rogers added a measly $5 to my pay-as-you-go credit. But I get zero. Nothing. Instead the offer of a free month of credit on the data plan Rogers has already being trying to shove down my throat for months!
I have been affected by this manditory upgrade.

I am a Linux user and do not own a Windows PC. I contacted Rogers tech department first off to get advice. I was sent an email with instructions on how to install the ROM by MicroSD. The ROM came in two parts and in ZIP files. Easy I thought! Load the first ZIP and everything looked ok and repeat the same process with the second ZIP; here is where I faced a problem... about 10 seconds into the load the phone froze. I tried and tried again but the second ZIP would not load. I then tried the first ZIP again and that wouldn't load either. I contacted Rogers tech support to go through a reset and hard reset but again nothing - the phone now jumps between the Rogers and HTC load screens with a vibrate inbetween continuiously. It appears I no longer have a OS on the phone.

Rogers is looking into it but clearly aren't sure what to do. I keep getting told I have my issue escalated.

Point of note is try the Rogers internet tech chat as at least everything that is said is recorded on a file one can download to a computer. Also, I've a tech guy's e-mail address that I will hound until I have a workable solution.

I see it as this... I had a working phone before... I now no longer have a working phone. This is not my fault. I followed Rogers tech support advice and they've damaged my phone by this manditory update. Simples I though... give me a new phone as I am under contract! Not as easy as that...

Now 1 week without a phone! Of course I could go into a Rogers store and complain and get a borrowed phone but I don't want to do that.

Confused with Rogers lack of understanding and approach to this otherwise uncomplicated software update.
Disabling data will allow 911 calls to complete on the devices. Again, customer safety is a priority. This was a necessary step to ensure customer safety until the new update is installed on the device.

Um .... according to the millions of SMS messages that we all received, it was disabling the GPS that allowed the 911 calls to complete. Data had nothing to do with it.

What I find funny is that I was not given the option to get the Magic because I traded my BB Bold with a friend's HTC Dream and Rogers refused to admit that I have an HTC Dream (I only see a Blackberry Bold under your account), but when it came time to cut data, all of a sudden I was included in the Dream customers. Fine ... I went ahead and did the update, now my phone gets stuck on the Rogers logo every once in a while, the Home app hangs when I open the device, Screen transitions are extremely laggy and so on. My device was working prefectly fine. WAS. No longer is. I've called and complained but all they're doing is sending me a new Dream (yes, the same device that they are now discontinuing in favor of Magic). I'm confident that my hardware is not the problem, but they don't care. I'm not even gonna bother trying out the new phone. For Sale: Brand New HTC Dream in box. I can get the google apps on my Blackberry too so the entire purpose in getting an Android phone was to get an open platform. In terms of hardware, the HTC Dream is a very capable device, but with the Rogers rom (specially the new one) it has been seriously crippled. The lag at some points is so huge that I've missed phone calls. I can see it ring, but I can't pick up because it's doing god know what.

Aside from all of that, my phone has been missing calls (a few friends can't call me at all) and I've contacted Rogers about it multiple times (and they have too). The ONLY solution I've ever gotten has been a 'factory reset'. It never worked and the next time I called, the same thing: 'try it again and if that doesn't work give us a call back'. Right ... so you can tell me to do a hardware reset again?

Someone else was saying that the Bell support people were clueless ... well I've been with Rogers for about 6 years now and every time I have a slightly complex issue (i.e. dropped calls and not getting incoming calls) I realize that they are all just about as clueless as the next guy. I'm sure this applies to others too, not just Rogers, but they all seem like they're reading a script without even knowing what it means or how it works. Sometimes I'm sure they don't even understand what I'm saying. Is Rogers outsourcing to India? I get a lot of East Indians that don't seem to be that fluent in English ... not that there's anything wrong with being East Indian, but a phone support tech should be able to communicate well. The first time I called in to complain about the 3G/911 issue, the guy literally kept repeating the SAME LINE over and over regardless of what I said or asked ... like a dumb machine that took no input. I asked to speak to a supervisor and the idiot hangs up without even asking me to hold or anything ... or even acknowledging my request.

After 6 months, my buddy still texts me and says "call me I cant call you". I had the same problem about a year ago (but much worse), I tried my SIM card in 6 different phones and the problem occured, I put my friend's SIM card in my phone and it was fine so quite obviously it was something with my account, but the only thing on the rep's mind was to sell me a new phone and renew my contract and why 'just to rule out the possibility of a bad phone'. Really? So I have 6 broken phones here (that my friends are using with absolutely no problems)? Why the hell won't you send me the phone for free without extending my contract?

call this whining, bitching, unreasonable, whatever you want, but I'm done with Rogers. Not even a free year of service will make me renew my contract (it may prevent me from cancelling it immediately, but there will never be a renewal).

Wind Mobile, here I come.
Confused with Rogers lack of understanding and approach the this otherwise uncomplicated software update.

Don't be too confused ... Rogers doesn't give a flying F^$^ about you or your phone (just your bill).
Have you asked them to replace it? My problem wasn't as severe as yours and they're replacing mine (though as I said in my previous post I'm confident that my phone isn't the problem).
You may brick it.

Is anybody else experiencing this?

Yes, now that you've mentioned it, I've noticed that my phone has been constantly whining at me (when it's not freezing or hanging or stuck on the boot logo) to plug in the charger.

5 minutes without the charger and it drops a line ... I have GPS disabled (because it used to drain the bat pretty quickly) so I'm using the same number of radio devices and I normally turn the screen brightness pretty low.
Don't be too confused ... Rogers doesn't give a flying F^$^ about you or your phone (just your bill).
Have you asked them to replace it? My problem wasn't as severe as yours and they're replacing mine (though as I said in my previous post I'm confident that my phone isn't the problem).

I've asked for a replacement phone. They keep telling me that because it is an active issue this cannot be authorized. I keep hearing the buzz words like 'taking ownership' 'I want to help you' and 'escalation'... doesn't fill me with confidence.

I went with Rogers as it was at the time Aug 09' the only GSM carrier... boy if I could turn back time I'd have waited for Wind too!

They have until Sunday to provide a solution or the phone get's UPS'd to their ass and the contract cancelled.

Talk about the blind leading the blind... totally hear ya on that one. One convo I had with one of the tech's was basically him saying well, you purchased a smartphone sir, you need to be technical... now I said to that I am technical but I cannot fix shit when it's shit can I? Also he said... oh we don't support Linux! So why was the damn support email sent out to me as I said from the get go I was a linux user... anyway. the issue isn't that I'm a linux user. It's a simple ZIP file transfer in FAT32 which I can handle... The issue is whatever they've cooked into that file that's damaged my phone...

Argh... I could go on about their incompetence but you know my friend!

Just to repeat for Magic users who are experiencing troubles with the 2-part update processs, read this thread/post on xda:

xda-developers - View Single Post - Rogers magic update freeze/brick

My phone just kept rebooting over and over after installing the first update. Even in recovery mode it didn't give me a chance to wipe, flash or restore anything because it would reboot in a matter of 2 seconds. The tech support guy on the phone had no idea what to do. I finally realised that I had a seperate Mini SDcard USB adapter that I could put my SDcard in and then plug into the USB. That allowed me to access my SDcard so I was able to delete the first SAPPIMG and then put the new SAPPIMG from the second update onto the SDcard. I repeated the same process from the first update (I was able to access fastboot without it rebooting), everything installed perfectly and now the phone is up and running great.

Apparently the instructions were wrong.
but was unable to download it because of my serial wnumber
Why wouldn't it accept your serial number?

Is anybody else experiencing this?
No, I have 3G (which toggles back to wifi when I'm at home or in the office) and GPS enabled and have great battery life. Easily get a full day of lots of calling and surfing on one charge.

With so many features missing/removed
When you went from the original 1.5 to the updated 1.5 w/SenseUI what are you missing?

Have you read that contract? In full? Every word?
I suspect the answer is no.
No, the people whining (ya, I said it again) wouldn't have read their contract either before or after since that would be too much work. Much easier to act like a petulant child.
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