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Rogers Update: 911 Fix for Rogers HTC Dream and Magic is Ready


I take full responsibility of my 911 calls crashing my phone. Can I go back to my Cyanogen mod, which was NEVER AFFECTED BY THIS ISSUE?

As soon as Wind Mobile comes to BC I'm cancelling my rogers plan (already made the complaint to CCTS) and if you think you're getting a single cent of that 'Early Termination Fee', think again!

My phone has been crippled (robbers.mahram.ca) and nobody at Rogers is taking any responsibility. I've complained and complained, but all I've gotten has been a 'factory reset' and a new SIM card even though I told the tech that I tested the SIM card in MANY other phones and only my Dream (Read: Nightmare) has these problems. The hardware reset didn't fixed the problems and nor did the brand new SIM. But guess what did? My brand new NEXUS ONE (and my piece of crap stone-age Nokia 8390). Yes, the problem wasn't the SIM, it was THE PHONE (more specifically the new radio code). I don't get 3G with Rogers anymore, but who cares? In a few months I won't be getting ANYTHING from Rogers. I'm sure I'm not the only one planning on giving Rogers the finger and making the switch. The way I see it, even if I DO pay the termination fees, the money I'll save with Wind Mobile (in the 15 months left of my Rogers contract) will be slightly MORE than my termination fee so it's a WIN-WIN for me. The age of contracts is over. The only reason people have contracts is because the three big telecom companies force it. Instead of competing to serve the customers they've joined to create a monopoly, which is why they did everything they could to prevent Wind from opening shop in Canada.

Sure the Wind coverage may suck at first, but I'd rather speak to someone who is apologetic about their lack of service instead of some snotty idiot who is trained to treat me like a slave on a ****ing leash. The Wind coverage will improve unlike the Rogers service.
My dream lies as it is....no data..no voice service for 2 days now. Not paying a single ****in cent to these bastards....not to mention the other 2 phones in my house ( dream and magic ) are both still without data connection and its been 2 weeks. Not only did Rogers prove its stupidity , theyre turning into ****in criminals now.

I wonder how many else are in the same boat?
My dream lies as it is....no data..no voice service for 2 days now. Not paying a single ****in cent to these bastards....not to mention the other 2 phones in my house ( dream and magic ) are both still without data connection and its been 2 weeks. Not only did Rogers prove its stupidity , theyre turning into ****in criminals now.

I wonder how many else are in the same boat?

I would be if I didn't NEED my service. I'm between jobs and I THOUGHT that by doing the update they would just **** off and stop interrupting my service, but the rom messed up my service (not getting calls/SMS, not being able to send SMS) etc. I had to go out and buy a new phone because their rom is a piece of shit. it takes my phone 20 seconds to wake up from sleep when I open the keyboard ... yeah that's gonna let me call 911. I'm dead before I can make the call.

If you haven't already, please file a complaint with CCTS. They're sticking it to us like this because we've only taken it so far. Write a complaint (CCTS
Maybe this has been asked or this is a stupid question, but has anyone tried telling Rogers to cancel the contract seeing as they have broken the contract? I am wondering what the results have been. I am thinking of cancelling, but I want to know what others were told by rogers to see how I can approach it. Telus has better coverage in my province anyway and they are getting the Milestone soon(sweet), so leaving rogers wont hurt me at all other than cancellation fees... Thanks
Maybe this has been asked or this is a stupid question, but has anyone tried telling Rogers to cancel the contract seeing as they have broken the contract? I am wondering what the results have been. I am thinking of cancelling, but I want to know what others were told by rogers to see how I can approach it. Telus has better coverage in my province anyway and they are getting the Milestone soon(sweet), so leaving rogers wont hurt me at all other than cancellation fees... Thanks

At this point Rogers does not consider the reports of issues caused by the update to be true. Since, as far as they are concerned, there is no problem with the update, they believe they have done what they need to to fix the phone. Thus if a customer does not install the "safe" update, that is their choice, so no part of the contract is broken by that reasoning.

The real catch is whether or not the update itself actually has issues that "break" the phone.

One of the biggest ones (other than loss of root, which they don't consider an issue) is the potential loss of bluetooth headset hands-free calling. Many users report that after the update they can no longer initiate, answer, or end calls hands-free using their BT headsets on the Magic using a 3rd party voice dialer (the native voice dialer was removed).

When we bought the phones, we were sold a phone capable of handsfree operation over BT (using the button on the BT headset, not on the phone). If it's true that this functionality is gone after the update, there is an argument to be made for "bait and switch" even if it wasn't intentional.

If it is true that BT hands-free calling has been removed, and if they won't fix it before the 2.1 update, then a case might be made for breech of contract, but I am not a lawyer.

Yyken might be able to find much faster anything in the contract that would stop us from being released or being remunerated because the hardware was changed after the fact with no option to receive hardware of equal functionalitu.
My bluetooth has stopped working since the update. I cannot connect to my car anymore or to other devices such as a laptop. I do not use a headset so I can't say whether that is not working. I used another phone with my car to verify it was not an issue with the car. I did a factory reset on my phone and then attempted to use the bluetooth feature with my car again. Same results.

I called Rogers back today to inform them I did a factory reset as they instructed me to do yesterday. They are sending me a new phone to try. I told them I would expect the same problem to occur, since the new phone will have the same update as my current phone, but understand that that is the next step to try. I asked what is the next step if I have the same problem with the new phone and her reply was "you will have to wait until HTC releases an update to fix the problem which should be in a few months". I told her that I don't think the update is expected to come out until later this summer and it would make more sense for Rogers to replace the phone with a different model of phone. She didn't give me a straight answer as to whether I could do that.

It's pretty important for me to have this feature working as this is my work phone. I'm on call 24/7 and need to be able to answer a call while in the car. Especially since it is now illegal to talk on a cell phone in this province.
Bluetooth is poorly implemented in Android overall so no surprise that it isn't any better with this update. However what I have confirmed is that a headset does work and I suggest trying that in the mean time. I've used a basic headset and last night I tried a Moto S9 strereo headset/headphone and both profiles work. While playing music I heard the inbound ring, tap the button and music pauses and can take the call.
(yes I know that voice calling doesn't work without 3rd party but being able to legally take a call over BT does work)
Bluetooth is poorly implemented in Android overall so no surprise that it isn't any better with this update. However what I have confirmed is that a headset does work and I suggest trying that in the mean time. I've used a basic headset and last night I tried a Moto S9 strereo headset/headphone and both profiles work. While playing music I heard the inbound ring, tap the button and music pauses and can take the call.
(yes I know that voice calling doesn't work without 3rd party but being able to legally take a call over BT does work)

@vikingisson: You posted in the Buzz thread that your phone is rooted and running 1.6, so I'm a little confused. The issue is with the Magic post-911bug update not being able to use a BT headset to initiate, answer, and end calls using the BT headset button, and NOT the phone.

In your post above, are you saying that you are able to do this with a Rogers-updated Magic? Further, if so, can you also start a call handsfree using a 3rd party voice dialer using the button on the BT headset?

@vikingisson: You posted in the Buzz thread that your phone is rooted and running 1.6, so I'm a little confused. The issue is with the Magic post-911bug update not being able to use a BT headset to initiate, answer, and end calls using the BT headset button, and NOT the phone.

In your post above, are you saying that you are able to do this with a Rogers-updated Magic? Further, if so, can you also start a call handsfree using a 3rd party voice dialer using the button on the BT headset?


Yes but I also have a crippleware Rogers Magic and that is what I tested last night with BT (with my SIM). The BT headset/headphone worked as it did before, button on the headset for answer and hangup, volume, skip, etc.

I don't use voice dialing as it is reported to require a button push on the phone so that isn't useful.
Yes but I also have a crippleware Rogers Magic and that is what I tested last night with BT (with my SIM). The BT headset/headphone worked as it did before, button on the headset for answer and hangup, volume, skip, etc.

I don't use voice dialing as it is reported to require a button push on the phone so that isn't useful.

On my Non-updated Magic I am currently able to _start_ a voice dialer call (either with the native one or a 3rd party) by pressing the button on my motorola BT headset.

Would you be able to try starting a call by BT button? I am using TopVoiceControl because it has a setting to allow for the phone to automatically dial if there is only one result.

TopVoiceControl v1.3.0 Application for Android | Tools
On my Non-updated Magic I am currently able to _start_ a voice dialer call (either with the native one or a 3rd party) by pressing the button on my motorola BT headset.

Would you be able to try starting a call by BT button? I am using TopVoiceControl because it has a setting to allow for the phone to automatically dial if there is only one result.

TopVoiceControl v1.3.0 Application for Android | Tools

I can't say for sure, I rarely use voice control for calls. I use it more for searching and input since it works better than my fat fingers. I don't have a 3rd party voice apps since I don't make enough calls to need it. But voice control does work on my 1.6 phone, I just haven't used it with BT.

Basic BT with a headset does work, just not so well with voice control.

After using the official phone last night I can say I much prefer my 1.6. Sense is pretty slick but too many missing functions after coming from a 1.6.
I can't say for sure, I rarely use voice control for calls. I use it more for searching and input since it works better than my fat fingers. I don't have a 3rd party voice apps since I don't make enough calls to need it. But voice control does work on my 1.6 phone, I just haven't used it with BT.

Basic BT with a headset does work, just not so well with voice control.

After using the official phone last night I can say I much prefer my 1.6. Sense is pretty slick but too many missing functions after coming from a 1.6.

If you have a chance to test _starting_ voice dialer for the updated Magic I would greatly appreciate it.

Hey everyone, as an update, I was able to get my free HTC Magic ordered today. The CSR rep was nice enough but she wasn't up to pace with the whole 911 / upgrade thing. In case you call, their system has it registered as the "Magic Plus" instead of simply the "Magic" with a list price of $79.99. That is the one you're looking for. (And, of course, you don't pay $79.99).

However, the CSR did let it slip that she heard that Rogers was "moving away from Android". Whether this was conveyed to her as an internal communication, heard as a water cooler rumour, or if it was a mixup with the whole 911 thing, I will take it at face value and assume that Rogers will downplay the Sony X10 and avoid future Android phones.

Looks like Telus is the only one who can satisfy our Android needs now...

UPDATE: Sorry, wrong thread! Meant to post this one in the "The Unofficial Official Rogers Dream>Magic Hardware Upgrade Update Thread"
Just thought I would let you know that I did a cyanogen EBI1 mod last night so I am running the new "rogers" radio with my cm4.2.14.1 rom on my dream. i left it over night and tried making a call, it was still diverted to Rogers CS, so then I switched my sim to a friends basic phone and called, I still got diverted, so I played dumb and asked what was happening to my calls. they asked if I updated my HTC phone and I said I couldnt use it because it was broken and I was using an old phone a Nokia, they said oh, they did something on the computer and said when it hangs up try calling the same number again... So i did, and now my dream with CM and new radio work fine. By the way the radio works way better with EBI1 than the old radio. Now when i get the magic I will try to get out of the contract based on the lack of a physical keyboard which is why I picked teh ream in the first place, I suck at texting. And if there are bluetooth issues even better, it is mandatory here in BC and I need it for work. Thanks for the replys
You guys may or may not know that Robbers are now offering a waiver for this update.
Of course, if you've already applied the update, you still have no way out.
If you haven't yet updated, go to their site (I have a link to it on android.mahram.ca) and 'sign' the waiver.
If you have updated, call them up and bitch about it. When you updated, there was no waiver and you were never given an option to skip the update. Let's make sure this whole incident at least costs them a pretty penny on the phones, eh? :)
i read over the waiver and it only says they will enable internet access again. Have you signed this waiver and had your outgoing calls returned to normal as well? Or is this possibly rogers way of getting our radio number on to a file? Its funny how it doe not state "return the phone to full and normal function" or something like that
Is there anybody out there who has rooted phone with custom ROM and got his data back by "network reset"?

I did that and everything was fine until this week. I lost my data twice this week and had to ask for network reset.

Is Rogers still going after us?
Anybody experienced this?
I had the same problem. The network reset worked on my rooted magic with cyanogen until last Saturday. I signed the waiver and got rogers to do a reset again. I had data for about 24 hours and then it dropped again. I had to call in after 48 hours and explain I signed the waiver. Data was turned back on right away.
I had the same problem. The network reset worked on my rooted magic with cyanogen until last Saturday. I signed the waiver and got rogers to do a reset again. I had data for about 24 hours and then it dropped again. I had to call in after 48 hours and explain I signed the waiver. Data was turned back on right away.

Waver? What waver? Where can I get one??

I just picked up a new UnLocked Rogers Branded magic last week from Pacific Mall,
How do I know what is loaded? and what is SenseUI?

The info I have found in phone is

HTC Magic
FW v 1.5
Build 3.05.631.7 cl#118917
@Planethax: The Magic with SenseUI looks like this:


If it looks like this (below) you don't have Sense UI:

Sense UI is a "skin" that goes over the "vanilla" Android interface to make it look "prettier" and add some functionality and widgets. Personally I don't like it, but many people do. I have never updated my Magic, so I am still running the original stock UI from June 2009.
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