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[ROM] [05.01.11] Velocity V1.1 | LG Ally | Android 2.2.1 Froyo | Super Fast | Stable

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Hey guys, I've been running this for a few days and I've noticed that more than half of the time my phone doesnt ring when people call, it only vibrates. I've checked all my settings and by all rights it should ring - and sometimes it does... its totally random. Anyone else having this problem? Missing calls because I don't hear it ring is a pretty serious problem for me, especially because this is my work phone.

Other than that I love the performance boost and the battery life seems much improved over stock :)

If you carry your Ally in your pocket like I do, the headphone jack can sometimes get dirty. When that happens, it can cause a complete loss of any audio from the Ally speaker, as it is tricked into thinking a plug is in the jack. I have had to clean mine with compressed air several times since it was new, which always fixes the problem until 'next time'. If this is happening to you, it can prevent the phone from audibly ringing. Try cleaning the jack with a couple shots of compressed air. :)
Thanks for the tip, though my headphone jack was clean and the problem only started after I flashed with Velocity from stock. Has anyone else had this problem?
I don't recall anyone mentioning it in the Velocity threads before now. Maybe you could try re-flashing? Something might have gone awry the first time. Sometimes my phone never receives a call at all. I only find out later when the missed call reminder appears. I attribute that to poor timing, with the Ally connected to the internet checking for mail or something at the same instant the call tries to come in. But it doesn't vibrate either, so maybe not related to your issue.
Hey all, can anyone confirm if Velocity 1.1 can be installed on an Ally that has been updated to Verizon 2.2.2?

And if so, are the instructions for doing it the exact same as what is explained back on page 1 of this thread?
Because im assuming someone took over velocity or got tired of waiting lol


im sure trident has bigger projects and more important things todo now
Hey all, can anyone confirm if Velocity 1.1 can be installed on an Ally that has been updated to Verizon 2.2.2?

And if so, are the instructions for doing it the exact same as what is explained back on page 1 of this thread?

Yes and Yes. Of course you will need to root 2.2.2 first.
Presenting... Velocity V1.1!

Velocity is a free Android 2.2.1 Froyo ROM built for the LG Ally which greatly extends the speed and capabilities of your phone.​

#include <std_disclaimer.h>
 * Your warranty is now void.
 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
 * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
 * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
 * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
 * you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
The Velocity team is comprised of Trident, Savoxis, death2all110, and Getitnowmarketing. Thats not to minimize how many folks actually contribute to this project. We thank you ALL.

There are two ways to upgrade! Please read: http://androidforums.com/ally-all-things-root/327926-velocity-1-1-upgrade-procedure.html

* VS740ZVD FRG83D Android 2.2.1 Froyo Base
* Fully zipaligned and deodexed system
* Init.d boot sequence
* Full sysctl support using sysctl.conf
* Huge gallery of static wallpapers
* Tons of tweaks to increase performance and battery life
* Google DNS for a faster and safer online experience
* System audio from the Droid X
* Longer duration between wifi scans
* Increased Dalvik VM heapsize
* Ads blocked by default in apps and browser
* Velocity boot animation
* Velocity initlogo
* System mounted as read/write at all times
* ADB shell runs as root by default
* Stagefright enabled
* HW acceleration enabled
* Disabled 3G Mobile Hotspot
* Reboot and recovery options in power menu
* Boot sound during boot animation (disabled by default)
* SysCtl.conf support
* GPS fix
* Automatic Dalvik2Cache
* Battery reports in 1% increments
* Heavily modified ramdisk
* Slightly modified complete Gingerbread theme
* Very fast and responsive!

Tools and Utilities:
* Bash
* Busybox
* Nano Text Editor
* SQLite3

* Velocity Toolkit
* All the latest Google Applications
* DSP Manager
* MIUI Music
* Gingerbread Keyboard
* Gingerbreak Launcher2 (built from source)
* OI File Manager (built from source)
* Notepad (built from source)
* Sound Recorder (built from source)
* Velocity Tips widget (built from source)
* CyanogenMod Messaging app
* Trident's Camcorder application (also available in the Market!)
* Trident's Flashlight application
* CalPad calendar replacement
* Wired Tether & Wireless Tether (built from source with extensive changes required for LG)
-- Support was added for AP (infastructure mode) so now devices like Android phones & Archos can connect that couldn't in previously in Ad-Hoc mode.
-- A magic Samsung FW was also found that was needed for this.
-- These apps are free to use and not trackable to carrier tethering plans and caps so tether away.

Velocity Toolkit features:
* View ROM changelog
* CPU Settings - Set min/max frequency and governor
* Includes Terminal Emulator
* Includes Spare Parts
* Block and allow advertisements
* Enable and disable stagefright
* Enable and disabled boot sound
* Clear cache
* Clear dalvik-cache
* Clear battery statistics
* Enable uber quadrant
* Remove system applications
* Change application install location
* Change dalvik heap size

Kernel Notes:
* Overclockable to 864mhz (if phone supports it)
* Added Interactive & Smartass Governor
* Synced up from to with Linux mainline
* Uses USB gadget drivers vs. USB function drivers.
* Compatibilty with RNDIS wired tether and Supports AP mode wifi-tether (requires included tethering applications)
* Uses BFQ as default I/O scheduler
* Ext4 and NFS support built in
* Added tun.ko and cifs.ko as modules
-- See here for guide to using CFIS

* GPL Source: https://github.com/getitnowmarketing/Ally_2.6.32

All the Velocity scripts have been carefully packaged into one powerful menu-driven package, allowing you to easilly access individual features without having to remember confusing syntax. A new OTA updating system has been incorporated in the script so new features can be added and bugs can be squashed easily and quickly. Just type "velocity" in a rooted terminal and we do the rest!
Script features include:
* OTA Update Capabilities for both Script and Velocity ROM
* Menu Driven
* Dynamic for Easy Updating
* Goodies are downloaded on demand to save space on your phone
* Boot Animation Changer
* System Font Changer
* Theme Changer
* LCD Density Adjustment
* CPU Information and Overclocking Tools
* FROYO A2SD Selector
* Ad Toggler
* ROM Odexing Script
* Disk Free Information
* Stagefright Toggler
* Keypress Sound Toggling
* Both Online and Offline Modes Available
* Manifest System to Control DLC
* Smart Zipalign Tool
* Dalvik2Cache Toggler
* Downloaded Application Backup and Restore (Including A2SD {Thx Trident})
* And much more to come!

* Introducing Velocity's newest team member - death2all110!
* Velocity Toolkit application (Trident)
* SysCtl.conf support (death2all110)
* GPS fix (death2all110)
* Boot sound during boot animation [disabled by default] (death2all110)
* Fixed typo in power menu [Preform > Perform] (Trident)
* Battery now reports in 1% increments (Trident)
* Dalvik2Cache is now enabled by default (Savoxis)
* New splash screen (GRZLA)
* Removed Music Mod in favor of MIUI Music
* Removed Spare Parts in favor of the Velocity Toolkit
* Removed Terminal Emulator in favor of the Velocity Toolkit
* Removed LG Calendar in favor of CalPad
* Added Trident's Camcorder app [It's in the Market, too!]
* Added Trident's Flashlight app
* CyanogenMod Messaging app [tons of settings and features!]
* Updated bundled amonra style recovery to latest version 
* More tweaks for battery life and performance
* Probably lots more - find the Easter eggs!
- First time flashing Velocity to your Ally (or coming from an Eclair ROM)?
1. If you have not already done so, you must apply 2.2.1 Froyo officially using this guide before you can use this ROM
2. If you have not already done so, root your device and install GNM's amonra style recovery
3. Preform a Nandroid backup!
4. Wipe all userdata
5. Install the ROM


Latest version: 1.1
Md5Sum: c6487e6571631f1a65133cf1535da05e
Mirror 1: http://bit.ly/leaaYH
Mirror 2: http://bit.ly/kDDiOU
Mirror 3: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Known Issues:
Problem: MMS messages fail on send and/or receive
Solution: Wipe ALL userdata and reflash the ROM

Please do not PM me or any other of the developers for support - that's what the forums and the #ally IRC channel are for.

Thank you to EVERYONE involved in helping with testing, developing, debugging and scripting! Enjoy!

Like what we've done? Help keep us going with coffee and beer (mostly beer)! All support is greatly appreciated. :D





I used to have an lg ally didn't like it at first but after I got the velocity 1.1 on it the phone rocked you guys are geniuses. I just obtained a lg lucid vs840 there is not much development happening for it. It has been rooted. Was just wondering if this was phone you guys may think about doing some development for. I would love to see what this phone can do with an amazing rom like velocity 1.1 was. Just wondering Thanks
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