Well-Known Member
I have had no issues with the camera. Did you make sure to follow the instructions in the OP, including Joe_Blow's hacks? I don't have HDMI to test with so this is something I will need to purchase. Since I still have my old Triumph running Virgin Mobile Revamp I have not had any need for HDMI. I am not sure if Chairshot can dig into this, as I think he does have the HDMI connector. I will check with him and see what he comes back with.
I did not perform Joe_Blow's hacks but I have done Leslie Ann's "Fix everything by turning your phone into an Evo 3d". I installed the January OTA through the RUU process and have since flashed the newest march OTA firmware update using ramjet73's zip file. I am S-off with Hboot 1.04 and radio The camera button works for me, even from the home screen. Its just when I press it the first time I get the gallery has stopped pop up.
Edit/Update: I put GalleryGoogle.apk in the system app folder and removed gallery2.apk, the camera button works with out issue.
Now that I have been using this rom a couple days I have run into another issue. Occasionally I will lose my data connection even though the status bar shows 3g (its gray instead of blue however). This in areas where I typically have a strong connection on ICS roms. I have been able to fix it by toggling the data connection or rebooting the phone. I have also had a couple random reboots.