I'm getting errors when trying to install just a few things... and one of these is pretty petty, but just so you know what's going on...
attempting to install Air control game...
[DOWNLOADING] name=Air Control last=TRUE
D/vending ( 9482): [29] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5972492721747191852 / INSTALLING
D/vending ( 9482): [29] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=5972492721747191852, NotificationID=49018654, Title=Air Control, Message=Installing…]
I/PackageHelper( 9819): Size of container 4 MB 2973980 bytes
E/PackageHelper( 9819): Failed to create secure container smdl2tmp1
E/DefContainer( 9819): Failed to create container smdl2tmp1
D/vending ( 9482): [14] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5972492721747191852 / INSTALL_FAILED
D/vending ( 9482): [14] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=5972492721747191852, NotificationID=49018654, Title=Air Control, Message=Installation unsuccessful.]
I/vending ( 9482): [14] MyPackageInstallObserver.packageInstalled(): Package install from content://downloads/download/27 failed: Unknown reason -18
D/DunService( 6918): DUN_UNKNOWN_STATUS
and installing a theme for dolphin... similar error it appears.
[DOWNLOADING] name=Dolphin HD Theme: Orange last=TRUE
D/vending ( 8940): [33] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 2581876998774305651 / INSTALLING
D/vending ( 8940): [33] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=2581876998774305651, NotificationID=-1073792079, Title=Dolphin HD Theme: Orange, Message=Installing…]
I/PackageHelper( 9110): Size of container 2 MB 763704 bytes
E/PackageHelper( 9110): Failed to create secure container smdl2tmp1
E/DefContainer( 9110): Failed to create container smdl2tmp1
D/vending ( 8940): [8] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 2581876998774305651 / INSTALL_FAILED
D/vending ( 8940): [8] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=2581876998774305651, NotificationID=-1073792079, Title=Dolphin HD Theme: Orange, Message=Installation unsuccessful.]
I/vending ( 8940): [8] MyPackageInstallObserver.packageInstalled(): Package install from content://downloads/download/26 failed: Unknown reason -18
D/DunService( 6918): DUN_UNKNOWN_STATUS
EDIT: Unmounting the SD card allowed both to install.
EDIT2: Used Root Explorer to find smdl2tmp1 and rename it smdl2tmp12 temporarily. It then sort of allowed me to install the apk. It hung up during the installation, as in never said the install completed, but when I backed out of that, it was in fact installed and working.