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Root [ROM] Mobster Rom HD/Lite - 031513

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Using this Rom with nova launcher. I used to have all shortcuts like WiFi on my home screen.


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Hey can we get a percent battery on the lock screen. i really like this rom and its been the best stable rom ive used. The last rom i used was the midnightrom by xthedakmanx. this is even better. thank you and keep up the customizing work its great. Oh and maybe would it be possible to make a miui theme for this rom. idk if thats possible but that would be the tits... just saying
Yes, I had lots of random reboots before I disable the screen off setting in SetCPU. For this awesome rom I don't need to set screen off anyway. My phone has been running for 18+ hours at home, wifi on all the time and mostly screen off, still got like 5x% of battery.

What do you mean by this? Neither setcpu nor no frills came installed on this rom. Should I install setcpu and look for that setting? I just came back to this rom and got another random reboot from the lockscreen. I hit the power button and the screen wouldnt even turn on and it just rebooted. Thats how my last few random reboots have been.
There are profiles you can customize in set cpu such as "screen off", I believe she meant deleting the profiles if you had enabled one, I deleted the profile but left the app installed, I haven't experienced one reboot since, at least that I've noticed
hey... just got my evo v after getting tired of boost mobile and switchin to virgin... readin up on the evo v forums and looks like this rom is getting lots of attention.... just got some questions... how stable is this rom???... do the 3d features still work?... what is with these random reboots people are pissed at (how often do they happen)?.... and are there any other evo v roms you can reccomend???
hey... just got my evo v after getting tired of boost mobile and switchin to virgin... readin up on the evo v forums and looks like this rom is getting lots of attention.... just got some questions... how stable is this rom???... do the 3d features still work?... what is with these random reboots people are pissed at (how often do they happen)?.... and are there any other evo v roms you can reccomend???

I think most of the users having trouble with it are changing settings or using setcpu. I have not needed to use setcpu for a long time now that most kernels come with governors also now. I have not had any reboots at all. Even on v 1.1. I just checked 3d and it was working just fine.

Very stable and quick rom. I could not tell you how it compares to most others though. Compared to stock and lightly modified stock roms and is much faster.
Try a fresh wipe and re flash, check your download, I think that's a first report of that issue, so if id give it one more shot? What rom were you on before?
What do you mean by this? Neither setcpu nor no frills came installed on this rom. Should I install setcpu and look for that setting? I just came back to this rom and got another random reboot from the lockscreen. I hit the power button and the screen wouldnt even turn on and it just rebooted. Thats how my last few random reboots have been.

I have installed SetCPU myself. If you don't have it then you can just leave it.

P.S. Was messing with settings today, found no matter is i SetCPU or not, if it runs at low CPU speed like mostly 192, it would eventually reboots, a lot.
So mobs u prob already know this but every time I turn on Bluetooth, once I turn it off, it disables the dialer every single time without fail. By disable i mean the app still works but when u input a number or select a contact to call, it just hangs and says dialing...Only a reboot gets it back.
v2.0 (08/23)

  • Complete Re-Design
  • Features Power Kernel
  • JB Project Butter + JB Enhancements

Update to 2.0 is huge it would take way too long to go into detail.........

- check the updated OP for info

Note - From 2.0 onwards Power Kernel will be the provided kernel

Any updates to Power Kernel or is it the same version from the original thread?

Same Power Kernel (personally i use Anthrax) switching to Power Kernel makes it easier to manage since im not providing support for a kernel i can't modify myself
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