I only use JD because it cuts off mobile data when the screen is off and turns it back on when the screen turns on. This makes a BIG difference in my battery life. If there's a setting in Android where I can control that myself please point me to it.
In the quick settings you can toggle your mobile data whenever you want.
I agree with you I love the black and inverted apps. Makes it badass.I agree with the above posts. This seems faster than when it had the Holo launcher. Everything is quick. Even not overclocked it seems faster than any other ROM i've used when they are OC'd. A green message icon would be cool but that's a minor want for the perks of the ROM. Great job. With as efficient as this is, this will def. be my new daily driver for now.
PS. I may be in the minority but I like the black and inverted apps. Gives it a much cleaner look. JMO.:driver: