More info: As I indicated, my phone deep sleeps with WiFi on when the WiFi sleep policy is set to turn off WiFi when the screen goes off. When I set the WiFi sleep policy to Always On, then it prevents Deep Sleep.
At home, where I barely have any cell/data signal, the battery dies more quickly than in a good signal area, especially if I don't have my WiFi connection "always on", because the phone is trying hard to connect to the cell/data network.
The excellent battery life I mentioned in my previous post was in a better cell/data coverage area than at home.
At home, where I barely have any cell/data signal, the battery dies more quickly than in a good signal area, especially if I don't have my WiFi connection "always on", because the phone is trying hard to connect to the cell/data network.
The excellent battery life I mentioned in my previous post was in a better cell/data coverage area than at home.