Android Expert
On the topic of reboots..
I've had 5 spectrums since April, and they've all had random reboots.. some more frequently than others. My latest one has been stable for about 3 weeks. I was only able to pinpoint and repeat one of the issues I had with a past phone, it was the car sensor randomly triggering and loading the car dock app...then causing a reboot.
This has happened on stock GB, Black Plague, Broken Out, and stock ICS. So far no problems on CM10. Although now that I'm hearing reports of reboots I'm a little nervous.
I think this is just a cheaply made phone.
Funny thing is I'm on my first spectrum that I've had since March and never had a terrible time with reboots on any of the roms but I've had a lot on Cm10. But pretty much all have been while playing bridge construction kit.
This phone is an enigma