Hello! I ended up getting launcherpro and now in the end LOVE IT compared to the lg home! I installed velocity and the turbo 4 and absolutely love my phone so much more now!
ONE PROBLEM. I have HORRIBLE battery life now! I can't understand it! I have everything possible to reduce battery life on, even have setcpu running at 120mhz to 245 with screen off and brightness at 5%! Before velocity and turbo 4 i've had great battery life! Is there anything that I can do to help? Or any ideas? I know somebody said how their battery life improved, but mine did the complete opposite.
thanks for any help!
ONE PROBLEM. I have HORRIBLE battery life now! I can't understand it! I have everything possible to reduce battery life on, even have setcpu running at 120mhz to 245 with screen off and brightness at 5%! Before velocity and turbo 4 i've had great battery life! Is there anything that I can do to help? Or any ideas? I know somebody said how their battery life improved, but mine did the complete opposite.
thanks for any help!