Ok here it is, my 1st full review so bear with me as I tend to be long winded(I mean through!)

Ok, here it is from the top.
To start with I was running Velocity 0.2 (best running on my phone til now) I flashed Amon_Ra 1.2.5 the rebooted using the Send,Menu,End/Power buttons. Previously I've been using CWM/Rom Manager with hit & miss results. I did this install clean & fresh, wiping everything including the SD card & ext's, reformating & partitioning to include ext. I did the Ext2 to 3 thing, then the 3 to 4 thing. Then installed zip from SD Card. All with the new recovery & zero hiccups(angels even sang!). Not one single problem.
When it booted up it took the usual extended time to do its 1st boot. The first thing I raced to check out was the A2SD using the scripts. It worked!! So then I uninstalled the following included apps(again using scripts),.. car dock, protips, email, genie, & lastly corp. apps. I don't use any of these so it's more free space on the device! Then it's on to my first test drive of V4. I noticed that right out of the gate the response seemed a bit sluggish, more so than I was used to on V2. After a little more playing I took the plunge & OC'd for the first time in my young Droid life! It was like you gave it a shot of NOS! No more sluggishness at all! Every tap & swipe was crisp & instant. Now understand that I'm not done tweaking the cpu & turbo settings yet, however this is what I've experienced so far. Turbo on, turbo off, I can't say that I have notice much difference. The cpu runs great up to 768( one KP in 3 days). But on 787 it ran about 10 min's & then KP'd. I didn't even know what had happened! LOL! Had to do it a couple of times before the KP screen stayed on long enough for me to read it. Not that I understood what it said, but I did see KP!
I thought the WiFi tether app was busted til I figured out that I kept typo'g my password for WEP.

This app seems to be more reliable then Barnicle, less down time. One thing I do encounter is while using WiFi tether(foreground), if I hit the home button it prompts me to select a Home app (I use LauncherPro & have it set as default). Not sure why this happens, however it doesn't have any detrimental effect at all.
Now as far as battery life goes, I may not be the best example for this as I am a truck driver so I'm all over the place constantly switching towers, using bluetooth & gps. In fact the only things that I do to conserve battery is to turn off wifi & dim the screen at night. That said, during an average day, 3-4 hrs phone time, some facebook during lunch/dinner, apx 1 hrs worth of maps/latitude, & maybe even a full tv episode while loading/unloading. The battery last about 12 hrs before it gets plugged in(avg 20% remaining). If I turn into power user, tethered using Pandora on my laptop while surfing & downloading howto vids, I can kill it in 4 hrs. Battery temps haven't gone over 115F.
I don't exactly know what these figures mean, but I did Quadrant tests w/V2 & again w/V4 & if I figure out how to upload them I will. But my genius has limits so here's the figures just in case. V2 - 397, V4 (plain stock) - 468, V4 (cpu 729) - 478, V4 (cpu 768turbo) - 512, V4 (cpu 787) - 526
- wicked fast
- stable
- easy install (do it right. use Amon/Drell's 1.2.5 recovery & then just follow Tridents install instructions.)
- luv the new Icons, music player
- Scripts are outstanding!! Can't brag enough about them! (a nifty app that includes a brief description of each script would be awesome)
- After install I can still Send,Menu,End/Pwr into Amon Ra 1.2.5. No CMW/ROM Manager......YES!!!
Ok, so to be objective/constructive you have to have con's, right?
- I'd like to customize the notification bar. I don't hate it or anything, would just like to make it me!
Ok, so that's it.
MASSIVE PROPS TO TRIDENT!! (and to those who helped him on this project) This is an outstanding ROM!!