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Root [ROM] Warp 4G KitKatKrunch v1

Make sure you followed the directions exactly. Also try the restore again. Oh and like SuperR said nandroid manager after the wipe and install will get all of your apps and files whatever you backed up.

Note: I just realized I'm still in the 70's. Maybe the problem? I think I changed the date and time in CWM must have went back

There is no internal clock on the warplte. Each time you reboot Unix time starts over. That's why cwm back us all think they are from the 70's
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I never really tried messing with the Kitchen I just have done everything manually. I am going to give it a try though. I am downloading now. Do I need to download the zip and tar files? Thank you bro
Man in linux it's easy as eating pie. I just went mounted my hard drive pulled AK off of it. Then I went in the AK folder and double clicked the menu terminal icon and bam I was in the Kitchen. I really recommend this way.
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Man in linux it's easy as eating pie. I just went mounted my hard drive pulled AK off of it. Then I went in the AK folder and double clicked the menu terminal icon and bam I was in the Kitchen. I really recommend this way.

You can make small mods with windows, bit if you want to get into the core of android gnu/Linux is the only way to go
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So after doing all of that, when I go to restore now, it says that the file isn't there. So should I rename it, or re-download?
Yes try to re download it your download may be a corrupted . I have installed it like this over a dozen times so I know it works. Try that and let me know. I am working on making it into one solid zip right now.
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