You could not be more wrong. I forgot to post my source. It's the
US Small Business Office. Where do you think big businesses get started? Google started just a few years ago in a college dorm room. Facebook did the same thing. Heck Facebook started in the middle of a recession. Neither of those companies are small today of course, but both started off that way.
Chances are your auto mechanic is a small business. Your hair stylist/barber is a small business. Your dog groomer is a small business. Your doctor's office is a small business. The hole in the wall place that serves the amazing burger is a small business. The laundromat is a small business. The idea that small businesses are all crap or that they only serve large businesses is completely wrong.
None of this even takes into account the small businesses that have no payroll. The friend of mine I mentioned earlier who does odd jobs is one of them. I used to know another guy who ran an HVAC business. He did the work and his wife did the books. There are many, many more businesses like this and you probably do business with them and don't even realize it.