Due to his desire to work with democrats. Most of the results were due to compromising.
Well did Democrats support tax cuts without spending cuts under Bush? I'm sure some did, but it was Bush's initiative and got heavy GOP support.
Not true, Obama is like a dictator.....it's either his way or no way. He dossent care about the people.
If he didnt care about the people why does he support Universal Healthcare?
Švejnar 2013
I would like to see less union jobs and more private businesses take over.
Its funny cos you have zero idea what does means.
More off shore drilling (until we find a better way and more logical way of better energy for our cars)
Where on earth can you do more off shore drilling? Unless you want to destroy invaluable areas of nature. And there is a better way of using energy. Use less of it. The US could easily have its oil use if it bothered and not need to import a drop. How? Import European cars

Or you know, make transport more efficient. Tax bigger cars more. Make trucks smaller. Whatever.
I'm not saying unions are bad, I'm saying that we should cut everything. Jerry brown in California cuts everything BUT the unions, why? Because they are to powerful, what happens when groups are powerful? They take over and demand what they want.
I'm confused, how can he cut unions? And you shouldnt cut everything. Most things, sure. But not everything.
I say more off shore drilling, why? Because we need a quick solution, LOWER GAS PRICES, we don't need a solution that will take 10 years from now to work, we need a solution now. Sure off shore drilling isn't the best idea but what else is there? Yes there are hybrids but hybrids arnt that clean either, they do use batterys that are very harmful to the environment
Again, US gas prices are crazy low. I say add an excise of $3 a gallon and increase tax credits accordingly. And as I keep saying, efficiency. Its not that hard. You hardly need a 3 litre engine to drive to the supermarket.
Obama=Big government=Power
Mitt Romney=Big Business=Money
You choose, what's more dangerous? Read your history books kids....history repeats itself...
History is class. Good point.
Republicans are the last real americans, we want America to be america. We follow our own ways, we are the leader. Democrats want use to be like Europe or Canada...where free health care is corrupt and is a system that is broken.
Dafuq is a real american? Im pretty sure thats a logical fallacy there.
Wat. Dude. Google. Use the resources at your disposal. You have no idea what you are talking about. No idea. Firstly, nothing is free. Healthcare is paid directly by individuals, and via taxes. Secondly, it is not inherently corrupt. The US's health care "system" is far more corrupt. Having money doesnt entitle you to organs here.
It is NOT broken. Almost every problem is caused by not spending enough. You cross into an area with Universal Healthcare and your life expectancy increases by 5 whole years. Good god man.
Every country wants to be like America, we have freedom. But the democrats want to take that away.
Freedom. From what? Nigeria wants to be like America. Estonia doesnt. South Korea doesnt. Japan doesnt. Canada doesnt. Finland doesnt. Slovakia doesnt. Get a grip and see the world for what it is. In the US you do not have freedom. You live in fear. Of getting ill, of being shot, of the terrorist boogyman. Your media is not free or fair. The only thing you have is economic freedom but half the time thats just into lower levels of the workforce.
I'm not a hard core republican....that's weird lol
Thats what I find so disturbing.
I just see what's going on around me and I observe alot.
You clearly cant see outside of your little American bubble in that case.
I don't want Obama to fail, I don't want anyone to fail, I just don't want him to make a bad choice that will leave America cripple for a long time
I would hope most people dont.