Ken C
Well-Known Member
Right on Bob!!
Give em' some koolaide antidote. I really hate that this has basically turned into a pissing match.
But all y'all supporting Barry gotta start thinking about where your info comes from. If it's from any of the alphabet soup news networks there's a slant to it, yes Fox is slanted.
But if you have 6 (all I could come up with atm) networks all pulling to the left, Fox is just giving you another pov.
Whose on the left you say? Abc, cbs, nbc, CNN, msnbc, and pbs, now that's just the nightly news. That doesn't count all the shows with "opinions" on them. Or the Saturday and Sunday political shows. I'm even seeing people using comedy central as a source.!!
Come on people use your heads. Then think of all the folks who don't even watch the news to stay informed that voted for Barry the last go around. "CUZ HE'S COOL"
My liberal co-worker actually thought the "Saturday night live" skit of Palin saying "I can see Russia from my front door" was for real.
Are y'all gonna do this to the country again? I really don't think y'all have any idea what's going to happen if you do. The guy has as much as admitted where going to get screwed hard if he gets another term. He actually said it to Putin.
Oh and as to the comment Romney made about the Palestinians. You got that way out of context. I've yet to hear the whole thing, but it was basically what I stated before. He was talking about how the government is run in Palestine, not about the people. You got the politically correct crap making you blind and deaf
Also Clinton was the one who signed the repeal of glass-speagal (I know I spelled that wrong, that's not the point) that deregulated the banks, and allowed an investment bank and the cash my check, home loan bank, to play with each other's money. And that's what got us in this mess with those damn credit default swaps.
And as for the "read my lips" comment. If you look into how things were going back then, instead of hearing a one sentence quote. You'd learn that poppy Bush got put into a corner by the Dems and had no choice in the matter. The buggers snuck a line in a bill that poppy needed at the time and since there's no line item veto power for the potus. It was sign the bill into law and get what he needed, or scrap the whole thing.
But then the Dems are masters of that sneaky crap. They did it with health care by locking the gop out of the room when it came time to go over things. And tidy up the draft, before it went to a vote.
So my original point when I joined this thread still stands. "TRUST NOBODY IN WASHINGTON" and I'll add another. Learn for yourselves what the deal is, don't trust some news anchor, some actor, or some friggin comedian for your information. If you do, your just going to get us all screwed...

Give em' some koolaide antidote. I really hate that this has basically turned into a pissing match.
But all y'all supporting Barry gotta start thinking about where your info comes from. If it's from any of the alphabet soup news networks there's a slant to it, yes Fox is slanted.
But if you have 6 (all I could come up with atm) networks all pulling to the left, Fox is just giving you another pov.
Whose on the left you say? Abc, cbs, nbc, CNN, msnbc, and pbs, now that's just the nightly news. That doesn't count all the shows with "opinions" on them. Or the Saturday and Sunday political shows. I'm even seeing people using comedy central as a source.!!
Come on people use your heads. Then think of all the folks who don't even watch the news to stay informed that voted for Barry the last go around. "CUZ HE'S COOL"
My liberal co-worker actually thought the "Saturday night live" skit of Palin saying "I can see Russia from my front door" was for real.
Are y'all gonna do this to the country again? I really don't think y'all have any idea what's going to happen if you do. The guy has as much as admitted where going to get screwed hard if he gets another term. He actually said it to Putin.
Oh and as to the comment Romney made about the Palestinians. You got that way out of context. I've yet to hear the whole thing, but it was basically what I stated before. He was talking about how the government is run in Palestine, not about the people. You got the politically correct crap making you blind and deaf
Also Clinton was the one who signed the repeal of glass-speagal (I know I spelled that wrong, that's not the point) that deregulated the banks, and allowed an investment bank and the cash my check, home loan bank, to play with each other's money. And that's what got us in this mess with those damn credit default swaps.
And as for the "read my lips" comment. If you look into how things were going back then, instead of hearing a one sentence quote. You'd learn that poppy Bush got put into a corner by the Dems and had no choice in the matter. The buggers snuck a line in a bill that poppy needed at the time and since there's no line item veto power for the potus. It was sign the bill into law and get what he needed, or scrap the whole thing.
But then the Dems are masters of that sneaky crap. They did it with health care by locking the gop out of the room when it came time to go over things. And tidy up the draft, before it went to a vote.
So my original point when I joined this thread still stands. "TRUST NOBODY IN WASHINGTON" and I'll add another. Learn for yourselves what the deal is, don't trust some news anchor, some actor, or some friggin comedian for your information. If you do, your just going to get us all screwed...