There's so much history that is taught to people that is so wrong. The Cia was a copy of the British oss, the brits taught it's how to be good spies, while the Nazis were busy teaching the Bath party in Iraq and others how to hate Jews beyond any reason that could be explained through religion.
That's a start, then if you read more than the books your feed by the education system, you'd find out that Roosevelt and Churchill were cousins. And pearl harbor was just a ploy to get the U.S. into the war. If you don't think so. Take a look at what type of ships were there and what weren't. Lots of destroyers and battle ships, but oddly the aircraft carriers weren't there. Do they also tell you in those books that at first Hitler (not that I support his beliefs, God forbid) didn't want anything but to ship the Jews to Madagascar. It was Churchill's blockade of the European continent that pushed that lunatic into a corner.
As for present day issues. Firstly I'm so sick of hearing about the 1% crap. Yes they have a point absolutely, I'm a firm believer that the bailouts should never have happened. It'd hurt but the fools that were betting with other people's money didn't feel any of that pain. If there was any sense in this country. The tea party and the occupy people would stop being subverted from one side or the other and join forces. It's both wall street's fault and Washington's fault that we're at the place we are. But as some of the posts here show me. Y'all have taken the bait, hook line, and sinker. Wall street funds those fools in Washington who make laws that benefit themselves and their friends. Do you know how much money Nancy (you got to pass the bill before you can see what's in it) Pelosi has made from laws and regulation she's helped push through?
And Obamacare? Did anybody pay attention to the fact that that lovely piece of garbage wasn't even past legally? It was shoved through using the reconciliation process, not by a super majority, which is how it's supposed to be.
As I've said before. The system is being perverted to keep power in the hands of a few. Not you and I. Shoot there's still the question of where Barry was born. During the early 50's the was a law in Hawaii that said if you lived there for a year you could apply for a Birth certificate. But that's beside the point. If Obama had done what he said he'd do there would be people working on improving the ageing infrastructure of this country. We invented the web, but if you look at the numbers, Canada's slowest internet provider is faster than our fastest provider. This country is going to hell in a handbasket, and we're too busy bitching at each other to really do anything worth a damn... And I worry about the country my kids will inherit instead....