I don't get what's so bad about "Obamacare". Is is the fact that dependents are covered until 26? Is it the fact that there can be no pre-existing conditions now? Is it the fact that insurance companies can't drop you when you become ill? Those all sound like great things to me. So far the only gripe I have really heard is the individual mandate (forcing people to pay for health insurance). If that's so terrible then why aren't people up in arms about being forced to have auto insurance on vehicles that they own? People should have been bringing lawsuits against the insurance industry for decades if they don't think the government should mandate insurance.
Here you go then:
It is bad for everyone. For example, I have amazing care but I cannot change it, according to OC. If I wanted to improve it, it goes away. One of the provisions in the plan is existing plans cannot be changed. Many corporations will likely drop your coverage to take advantage of OC.
It is bad for doctors because it further screws up Medicaid and there is not enough money to handle millions of new patients.
I am being forced into paying an estimated 2500.00 per year and worst of all, is the IRS is tasked with collection. You might like it, but should it remain in effect, it will cost you dearly. I would love to see how an America that wanted UHC to react when it comes time to pony up the payment. And with the IRS handling collections, they will simply take the money from you. no choice!
Millions of people stand to lose their existing coverage.
Competition is drastically reduced so the costs will grow over time.
It will jam up your waiting room.
Doctors might not be able to make the decision about what is best for your care. I know the phrase "Death Panel" made the news some time ago, but bean counters will make the decisions. Perhaps the IBEW can be tasked with unplugging granny when she is refused treatment.
The plan will increase the deficit by $239 billion over 10 years. Some are saying it is more like 1.8 trillion over a ten year period. It is the government so lets play it safe and simply assume costs will grow, not slow.
Those that signed it into law did not read the 2500 page (give or take) bill before they signed it. You really want those making the law to avoid reading what they wanted to pass?
They just assumed it is good for us and so we are stuck until a conservative is elected and can put an end to the nonsense once and for all.
We fix HC in this country by tort reform, allowing insurance to be sold across state lines, healthy competition across the board and other minor things that are easier to implement compared to Obama care. I could probably write a new bill weighing in at 25 pages that would be far more doable and fair.
The government stinks at managing the public trust. You really want them running your health care? Really? It is an unpresidented government power grab, clearly and unargueably.
Obama care is clearly constitutionally illegal despite what SCOTUS has to say. And if they can mandate your care, they can start mandating other stuff. Perhaps take away your fat children because you clearly cannot raise them. OK, that might not happen, as I was thinking when Obama nationalized one auto maker.
At least I'll be able to yell at large people for super double-sizing their fries and shakes. After all, if my tax dollar pays for their bad choices, I have a right to tell fatso to drop those fries. Smiley!
And it is the government, remember that. Clearly, they are capable of running a lean, mean Obama-care machine. Just like your DMV, right?
When rationing takes place, you will not get what you over paid for. Feeling ill? Try the waiting room filled with cold and flu sufferers filling the place to capacity.
It is already unfair because Obama gave wavers to companies. Obama was quoted as saying how unfair the rich have it; how corporations need to pony up. So rather than hold us all to his silly plan, he is giving wavers.
Any idea that Obama feels we need to be fair is BS and clearly, not what he really wants. We will end up with a huge cost smaller income earners cannot afford and the rich will have concierge medicine at its finest.
This is just adding vast costs to an overloaded budget and it will--in the end when all is said and done--hurt millions of people rather than help them.
Doctors will be forced into fighting the inevitable government red tape and we might see a shortage of doctors. We are (apparently) in need of more than 90,000 doctors right now and one report said many doctors are moving up their retirement by five years or so.
Perhaps the IRS can give us all 80.00 flue shots when they ding us for thousands of dollars.
Need more data?