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Root rooting .595


Oct 9, 2010
I currently have .595 stock on my dx. I've tried to root it but no luck. I noticed that there were three versions of .595, the dedoxed, odoxed, and stock. I picked the stock so I could recieve the ota once it came out. Well now I've decided that I want to root. What do I need to do to root? Thanks!
I currently have .595 stock on my dx. I've tried to root it but no luck. I noticed that there were three versions of .595, the dedoxed, odoxed, and stock. I picked the stock so I could recieve the ota once it came out. Well now I've decided that I want to root. What do I need to do to root? Thanks!

I thought gingerbreak worked on 595..... Am I mistaken?
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