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SHould I take off my screen protector? Hows your evo holding up?

...2) line the pockets of screen protector manufacturers. Maybe if I lived and/or worked in a more rugged environment I'd think about it.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, the Evo went with me to the beach twice on my cruise last week and lived in my sandy pocket. Except for fingerprint residue and cat hair, it looks just like when I bought it.
I see a lot of posts like this, and then later "oh no, my phone got scratched!! :eek: "
I have a brand new Zagg still in it's box. Never put it on. Put one on my girlfriend's phone and hated the way it felt. Haven't had a scratch yet. Screen still looks good other than the occasional finger prints. Naked screen since launch. It's still in a basic Seido/Holster combo waiting on the Ballistic case.
I always use a screen protector on my devices. People saying that you cant scratch these screens just look ignorant..... While these screens are tougher than earlier models, they are by no means scratch-proof. My co-worker just bought an Evo 2 weeks ago, keeps asking me what screen protector and case to get, and if I'll root his phone for him. Anyway, he came in last Friday and had a scratch on his screen. Its not big or deep, but it is there. Said he doesnt know how it happened but he is sick over it.....If you have never seen a scratched screen on a newer smartphone then you are living in a sheltered life and you should really get out and mingle with other human beings.....
Just go stand in Sprint or Verizon for an hour....you'll see some one come in with a scratched screen.
I have a brand new Zagg still in it's box. Never put it on. Put one on my girlfriend's phone and hated the way it felt. Haven't had a scratch yet. Screen still looks good other than the occasional finger prints. Naked screen since launch. It's still in a basic Seido/Holster combo waiting on the Ballistic case.

The feel of the Zagg smooths out over time, didn't like it at first either but now I can't imagine it not being there.
I made the mistake of not getting a case and screen protector for my HTC Evo mostly beacause I thought the screen was Rhino glass or something..

Few months later I get one scratch on it and it is driving me insane. I got an Otterbox and screen protector but it is too late my phone is no longer a virgin. :mad:
I made the mistake of not getting a case and screen protector for my HTC Evo mostly beacause I thought the screen was Rhino glass or something..

Few months later I get one scratch on it and it is driving me insane. I got an Otterbox and screen protector but it is too late my phone is no longer a virgin. :mad:
I am very sorry to hear this. This is exactly why I have a screen protector for my phones. Better safe than sorry. Those who keep saying "don't worry about it, don't need a case" will regret it sooner or later.
My wife's got an Epic with Gorilla Glass (yes, I know the Evo doesn't have gorilla glass) and she recently discovered a scratch on her screen. Go without a protector and eventually you'll wind up with a scratch, no matter what the material.
My wife's got an Epic with Gorilla Glass (yes, I know the Evo doesn't have gorilla glass) and she recently discovered a scratch on her screen. Go without a protector and eventually you'll wind up with a scratch, no matter what the material.

Yeah but its a trade off. Ive gone since launch day naked without a scratch. So if I had a screen protector I would have had a crappy looking screen all that time for nothing. Ive never liked them. I think they had value on phones with plastic screens but since switching to glass i think its harder to scratch and the protectors just make it look bad.
Keeping mine naked. I won't be putting my phone in my pocket full of change, keys, screws and nails though.
Yeah but its a trade off. Ive gone since launch day naked without a scratch. So if I had a screen protector I would have had a crappy looking screen all that time for nothing. Ive never liked them. I think they had value on phones with plastic screens but since switching to glass i think its harder to scratch and the protectors just make it look bad.
What crappy screen? You must be using crappy screen protectors.

Phantom Skinz screen protectors are virtually invisible and still protect very well.

Keep on harping about how glass is harder to scratch, and sooner or later you'll be crying once you start getting scratches.

Here's another post from another person who wishes he had used a screen protector, in the Epic forum:

I scratched my screen, a pretty nice 1.5 inch scratch too. And deep. I wanted to cry.

I have always been on the side of "screen protectors are a waste of money". In all my years of using any smartphone or mp3 player with a glass screen (gorilla or not), I have *never* scratched a screen and have always wondered how people baby their phone but end up with scratches.

Foot in mouth. 6 hours after purchase, keeping it in a pocket in my jeans all by itself, I somehow managed this scratch. I have no idea how, but I am a screen protector convert now.

Screen protectors are super cheap protection for the very expensive device. Those who avoid the warnings are going to regret it sooner or later.
I use a screen protector because I am paranoid. I only one person ever gets a scratch on their EVO or gets some gunk on the screen, it will be me. Also, the screen can get a little smudgy, and the security pattern swipe can be easy to see traces of.

I use Write Shield. To me, it feels almost as good as the glass, and a pack of five costs about $5 at Radio Shack, so you can replace them relatively often and still not spend more than one Invisible Shield (I didn't care for the feel of the invisible sheild). The Write Shields are generic so you'll have to cut it a little (which can be good if you are using them for another phone as well), but since the EVO is pretty large, you only have to cut some width off of it, not any of the length, so I think its pretty easy.
I use a screen protector because I am paranoid. I only one person ever gets a scratch on their EVO or gets some gunk on the screen, it will be me. Also, the screen can get a little smudgy, and the security pattern swipe can be easy to see traces of.

I use Write Shield. To me, it feels almost as good as the glass, and a pack of five costs about $5 at Radio Shack, so you can replace them relatively often and still not spend more than one Invisible Shield (I didn't care for the feel of the invisible sheild). The Write Shields are generic so you'll have to cut it a little (which can be good if you are using them for another phone as well), but since the EVO is pretty large, you only have to cut some width off of it, not any of the length, so I think its pretty easy.
I bought those and honestly I can't stand them, even on non-touch devices.

I ended up giving my pack away to a relative that I didn't care much for.

The Phantom Skinz screen protectors are the ones I use now.
The people that are saying they don't like the way the screen looks with a screen protector have obviously never had a quality screen protector. Even the cheap static cling ones from ebay are perfectly clear and feel like glass.

Having a screen protector is kinda like having insurance you hope to never need it but if something happens and you DO need it you will be extremely happy you have it
I am a convert.....

I had up until about a month ago had both a case and a screen protector on my phone. I took both off and am totally head over heels in love with my phone now. I love the feeling of the glass under my finger. How small and almost dainty the phone feels in my hand without the extra baggage of the Seidio case.

I realize I'm putting my phone at risk by not having these things, but 6 months in... I'm willing to shell out $100 for the insurance deductible if I do happen to have a problem with my phone.

This phone is the first one I've had in many years where 6 months in I wasn't looking at what is rumored to be coming out soon so I can prepare for an upgrade. :D In fact, if Sprint doesn't come out with something more marvelous than what I have now, they may actually get their full 2 years out of me on this one.
I get my phones done at the mall Kiosk. I know, its overpriced at $20, but its a lifetime warranty and they do it for me. Plus, I can take it back if I see any wear and tear.
I am a convert.....

I had up until about a month ago had both a case and a screen protector on my phone. I took both off and am totally head over heels in love with my phone now. I love the feeling of the glass under my finger. How small and almost dainty the phone feels in my hand without the extra baggage of the Seidio case.

I realize I'm putting my phone at risk by not having these things, but 6 months in... I'm willing to shell out $100 for the insurance deductible if I do happen to have a problem with my phone.

This phone is the first one I've had in many years where 6 months in I wasn't looking at what is rumored to be coming out soon so I can prepare for an upgrade. :D In fact, if Sprint doesn't come out with something more marvelous than what I have now, they may actually get their full 2 years out of me on this one.

I agree totally!
I have tried every kind of screen protector out there, from the self healing, to the basic clear hard plastic, the basic clear cling plastic, the privacy screen, the mirror, the mirror privacy, the matte black privacy protector, and nude.

I agree that everyone thinks the nude look feels better and works better over all UNTIL you get a scratch. then you wish you had one. The feel is different obviously, but you get used to it and you don't even think about it. If you ever plan on reselling the phone its nice to not have any scratches on it.

But i guess that is up to whether or not you want to take that risk.

On the matter of the case, you MUST have a case, IMO. the massive screen on the front is begging to be cracked after a good couple of drops, and that back panel is flimsy, who are they kidding?! I've tried the 99cent eBay silicone cases which get annoying if you are always taking it in and out of your pocket. The hard cases on ebay are ok, cheap but ok for intermittent use. I currently have the OtterBox Commuter case which makes the phone a bit bulky, but gives it great protection. Without a case when you set the camera on its back it is leaning on the camera lens, which is NOT good, a design flaw, IMO. when you set it on its front it is on the screen of course. but with the Commuter case the camera is recessed and your phone will not lay on it while on its back, and the screen is also recessed due to some little rubber bumpers (best way to explain it). The Commuter case offers the shock absorbency of rubber cases and the solidness of a hard case (it has both a rubber inner case and a hard outer case)

so there is my $0.02

Commuter case
HTC EVO Commuter Series Case, HTC EVO case, HTC EVO cases // OtterBox.com

retails for 34.95 on the site but you can find it for 20-25 if you look on amazon or google shops (i got mine for $22)

and did i mention it comes with a screen protector?
forgot to mention, the case has rubber flaps to cover the power button, volume keys, headphone jack, and the micro hdmi/micro usb ports at the bottom. The bottom flap gets annoying so I just cut it off, the other ones are great though.
I have a full Phantom Skinz protector, and it's pretty fantastic. Clear display, smooth texture, and it hides oily smudges from my fingers. Also keeps the back from getting scratched up. But its minimalist enough to let my EVO's natural sexiness go unhindered.

People who are worried about the camera getting scratched... unless the scratch shows up in a photo, don't worry about them. And you can use a dab of Brasso and a cloth to polish the scratches out. That's what I used to do with my 1st gen iPod nano.
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