Home Screen
First Right - App Folders
Second Right - Agenda
Second Left - Facebook (launcher Pro Plus)
Third Left - Bookmarks (launcher Pro Plus)
First Left - Settings Panel
Third Right - Photos
Wallpaper - Just plain black
Launcher - Launcher Pro Plus
Clock\weather - Beautiful Widgets with Grunge Clock and default weather
Toggle swtiches - Beautiful Widgets Toggles with glow widgets
and other custom icons for folder organiser..
its not finished yet...I wanna do some better custom icons and redo the dock and give
it a different finish...bloody launcher pro plus being so customizable! lol
Hi Guys.
Before someone points out that they're linked in this thread, can I remind you all that it's now 63 pages long LOL.
I was wondering if someone had the links to the XDA page with the notification bar mods on.
Thanks in advance
Remind me on Daily Mobile Forum where there is a thread for SPB Shell themes and customising...it WAS 260+ pages
when I had my old nokia phone...back what? 4-5 months ago...god knows what its like now lol