Interesting, apparently I'm not the only one having a bad apple day (pun intended) I started a similar thread here:
But might as well add my own story to this thread, since everyone's already here.
I am currently the only Android user in my office of about 100 people. I am surrounded by BBs and iPhones. The BB users are okay, but the iPhone users can be extremely trying! (I am the in-house graphic designer, and I use WINDOWS! I am so sick of people looking at me aghast and saying "You don't use a Mac?" when they see my set-up. that's another story though...)
I am fortunate enough to get to demo Android units from Rogers Wireless to write reviews on my blog, so in addition to my personal Magic, I get to bring in cool new Android phones to show off. (So far the X10 and Acer Liquid E).
One of my co-workers is looking to get a new phone, so I've been showing him Android. Of course, one of the nosy iPhoneys decided to butt in with "NO, you should get an iPhone! I loooove my iPhone, it's amazing!!!!" (Yes the exclamation marks were there when he said it).
I replied that Android was just as good as iPhone. The co-worker who is looking for a new phone said "but iPhone is easier to use."
I asked why he thought that, and he replied (gesturing to the iPhone co-worker) "well, that's what they say."
The iPhoney just keeps ranting about how much he LOOOOVES his iPhone. When I suggested he might like to try Android to see if he might like it, he declared "I already love my iPhone, why would I want to try anything else?"
It's so frustrating. It's not the iPhone I dislike, it's the hordes of brainwashed zombies who parrot the marketing of Mr. Jobs, and muddy the whole issue.
I want Android to do well, but it's such a struggle dealing with the Fanboy variable.
Rant over. Time to eat. :-(