Odd that we are being forced to live our life "your" way; you are doing to us, what, apparently, we are doing to you. Not you personally, Copestag. You say we should change because it affects you and we say you are doing the same thing. No sure we move forward when both sides are stuck.
People should meet in the middle. I will not smoke around you and you stop trying to take away my cigars. Otherwise, good luck finding any support when "they" want to take away something of yours, like salt shakers in the local diner, glorious trans-fats and perhaps your kids because you raised fat ones destined for all manner of purgatory.
I often go to the local park and smoke. At 3:00 am, nobody 'cept Bob is being harmed. I'll pay whatever tickets I get and I will still smoke.
I am pissed because Utah raised the price of cigars to more than 80% of their suggested retail price. Because of the increase, they loose 100% of the tax I once paid. I went out of state and use FedEX.
Perhaps they need to raise the cost, tax or ban everything proven to be bad and we can discuss why salt is gone, fat is gone, red meat, fish, all manner of birds no longer gracing my bone china plates. We can eliminate OTC drugs, hunting, perfume, double bacon cheeseburgers, super sized fries, motorcycles, automobiles, beer and everything else.
Or let one live his or her life his or her own way and pay whatever the costs might be.