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On Feb. 20th 2005, my then husband murdered our only child, Elias Ocean Johnson. He admitted to it, and was sentenced to death. This has changed my life forever. I think of my beautiful baby boy everyday. He was 6 months old when he was murdered. Today I found out that the court plans to execute Christopher Thomas Johnson on Thursday. I thought I would have more time to make arrangements to be present during the execution, however, I am not sure if I want to go or not. I just felt the need to reach out and talk about this, because I have such mixed emotions. Normally I am opposed to capital punishment, but in this case I can truly say that I won't lose any sleep over this particular execution....I finally feel a sense of closure and relief....part of me is angry though that he wont have to live with what he has done. During the trial he told the jury that they had no choice but to sentence him to death....and that he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison....he also said he murdered our son because he hated me. I just wanted to tell you guys this because I felt I needed to get it out....your thoughts please.
Convicted child killer from Atmore gets October execution date | al.com
Convicted Ala. baby killer set for October execution | fox10tv.com
Convicted child killer from Atmore gets October execution date | al.com
Convicted Ala. baby killer set for October execution | fox10tv.com