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So my ex husband will be executed on Thursday.

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Thank you everyone for your support. I have come a long way since 2005 when this happened. I was a basket case for quite sometime...I am doing so much better now, and this I think will allow me to move on...The woman from the Attorney General's office told me that Christopher is refusing all visitors, and wont even read a letter he has received...he wont even see his mother...also at some point he told the press that the last thing I said to him was "I hope you die soon" which isn't true I never said that, because I think he would suffer more if he were alive....but like I said I am not gonna lose sleep over his death either...I have decided not to go, because I would miss a major test in school...I am going to be a nurse. Also, I don't think it would give me any peace to watch him die, it probably would do the opposite....
We are honored that you shared such a painful & traumatic experience w/us here.
Our thoughts & prayers will be w/you long after this weeks events will pass.
Time is a remarkable healer & you will find peace & happiness from here on out.We wish all the best that life has to offer to you & your loved ones.
You are doing remarkably well considering the circumstances & that day will come when your have true peace & joy in your heart once again.
Looking forward to the day that you can share that experience w/us as well.
Thank you everyone for your support. I have come a long way since 2005 when this happened. I was a basket case for quite sometime...I am doing so much better now, and this I think will allow me to move on...The woman from the Attorney General's office told me that Christopher is refusing all visitors, and wont even read a letter he has received...he wont even see his mother...also at some point he told the press that the last thing I said to him was "I hope you die soon" which isn't true I never said that, because I think he would suffer more if he were alive....but like I said I am not gonna lose sleep over his death either...I have decided not to go, because I would miss a major test in school...I am going to be a nurse. Also, I don't think it would give me any peace to watch him die, it probably would do the opposite....
I think you have made the right decision, and your courage and positive attitude are very inspiring.
Just the fact that one of the reasons you're not going is because of practical matters in your life, missing an exam at school, says a lot about how far you say you've come, and about your health.. very impressive, very "real," if you know what I mean.

You're an inspiration, to say the least.
I can't believe this coward would stoop so low as to kill his own child. I think its best he gets the death penalty. If he gets life then she will have to pay in taxes for his upkeep in prison. I do say he needs to be drawn and quartered so he can suffer greatly for what he did.

I am sorry for your loss and the agony you probably will endure the rest of your life. Nothing we can say or do can ease your pain but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing he will never walk this earth again. I personally wouldn't go to the execution as it serves no real purpose and will just bring up bad memories. Don't give him the pleasure of seeing you in pain one last time. Let him die knowing he can't hurt you no more.

Sounds like you have a special best friend for her to come on here to be with you. I take my hat off to her. I am sure I speak for everone in our community that we are here for you whenever you need support.

Again sorry for what happened to you and your innocent son. At least the murderer gets what he deserves.
I think it's all been said prior to my post but I will add that you are an amazing woman. My heart is in pain thinking of what you have gone through. May you find an extra measure of peace and closure this week.

May you have love of family and friends all the rest of your life to guide you and support you.
wow.. i am so sorry..

while reading the OP.. i was struck stupid... cant imagine going through that!

cant imagine what I would have done ...
cant imagine living after that...
cant imagine not going crazy and doing something .. an eye for an eye....
Again I am overwhelmed by the support everyone is giving me. Thank you everyone.
here is a link to a news story, I did a phone interview for this one. I had never really talked to the media before the day before yesterday. I just wanted people to see my son, and know that he was here, and alive once.
Mom of murdered baby speaks out | Fox10tv.com
Again I am overwhelmed by the support everyone is giving me. Thank you everyone.
here is a link to a news story, I did a phone interview for this one. I had never really talked to the media before the day before yesterday. I just wanted people to see my son, and know that he was here, and alive once.
Mom of murdered baby speaks out | Fox10tv.com

Wow. I watched that video and I'm speechless and teary eyed. There's nothing I can say that everyone else has already said. Your a strong woman. Hang in and good luck with your future as a nurse. I'm battleing cancer so I have a lot of interaction with nurses and they are a important part of the medical field.
Thank you everyone for your responses. Tomorrow my family and I will be having a candlelight vigil for Elias during the execution....I finally feel like there will be closure. I have worked hard to put my life back together after this, and every time something comes up (like an appeal or even a news story) it sets me back a little. I ended up having to drop my anatomy and physiology class this semester, because I was too stressed to study...I still have chemistry and math, but I actually find studying for those classes soothing...go figure. I am looking forward to the end of all of this. I know I will never stop remembering Elias, but at least my pain wont be splashed all over the news anymore.
It's a sad story and I don't know how someone or anyone could hurt a child in any way, shape, or form... but why did you feel the need to post such a dark subject on a forum like this?
It's so sad to hear this.... a child is beautiful creation, why would anyone hurt a child.... i don't understand - especially your own child!

But the world is going rather crazy at the moment and according to stats 1 out of every 25 people have some mental issues.... mental enough to kill you without thinking about it.
Thank you everyone for your responses. Tomorrow my family and I will be having a candlelight vigil for Elias during the execution....I finally feel like there will be closure. I have worked hard to put my life back together after this, and every time something comes up (like an appeal or even a news story) it sets me back a little. I ended up having to drop my anatomy and physiology class this semester, because I was too stressed to study...I still have chemistry and math, but I actually find studying for those classes soothing...go figure. I am looking forward to the end of all of this. I know I will never stop remembering Elias, but at least my pain wont be splashed all over the news anymore.
Well it's Thursday morning, stay strong and get through today and hopefully you will find some measure of peace and closure. I'm glad to hear you will be surrounded by your loved ones in this trying time. Lean on them for support, that's what they are there for. I know you will be a great nurse someday. We all wish you the best.
I truly hope you find some closure from this event. Though not in person, I think I can speak for many here that our thoughts will be with you during your vigil. I wish you and your family peace!!!
Because I am in pain, and I feel the need for the world to see my son, and know he exsisted....

I prob post this on behalf of most here, but please continue to feel free to share your pain here, and anywhere else you feel comfortable with. Keeping it bottled up inside is much harder to deal with in the end, and I for one am much more enlightened by your story and knowing your beautiful son existed.

You and your son are in my thoughts tonight in my part of the world and I only hope that whatever happens later tonight in your part of the world that some form of closure will help the healing process to continue.

Love & peace from afar.
Best of luck on your nurses test (if i recall correctly) probably already done though :( also hope your life is much easier from here on out. Best wishes from me and my girlfriend (not a member but she really does wish you her best)

I just found this forum after reading your story on Northescambia. I wanted to tell you that my heart bleeds for you. I have a young son and couldn't imagine the pain you must have felt and still feel today. You are an inspiration and I'll bet your beautiful baby boy would be so proud of you.

What a beatiful son you had. Thank you for sharing his pictures with us. Your story moved me to tears.


I just found this forum after reading your story on Northescambia. I wanted to tell you that my heart bleeds for you. I have a young son and couldn't imagine the pain you must have felt and still feel today. You are an inspiration and I'll bet your beautiful baby boy would be so proud of you.

What a beatiful son you had. Thank you for sharing his pictures with us. Your story moved me to tears.


Katie,what more deserving first post to commemorate your androidforums anniv this tme next year, many posts inbetween.. Isnt this folder discussion inspiring! Shes given me more strength and hope than my few words could ever return.
oh dear.
i don't know what to say.
i clicked on the links and saw the beautiful photos of your boy and my heart just breaks.
i absolutely can't imagine what you went through all these years but you remain strong.
i admire you for that.

i have mix feelings on death penalty.
some people deserves it, some are not.
but intentional murder deserves no mercy.
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